[@Tyki] The wave of force rolls over the land, but merely dissipates as it strikes Saito. He grins as he breaks the wind with a gesture. This was his world, and these were his winds. Markus could feel the lesser Wind Gods obeying Saito's every whim, bending Markus' attacks out of the way, redirecting the force around the raging cyclone that had now completely enveloped the Storm God. "Wrong choice." And with that he raises a hand. And with a gesture, the world explodes. It was as if the very sky had fallen to the Earth, the clouds smashing down with monumental force. A wave of force exploded outwards as Saito released his full power on the land, an explosion that made Markus' brief venture into airbending seem like a noisy fart by comparison. The ground was ripped into the sky, as the Garden was flattened. Guardians were crushed to splinters in miniature maelstroms of wind, even as chunks of stone the size of elephants were torn from the Earth. Everyone and everything was knocked flat, flesh and bone splintered and crushed, ripped to shreds by the raw power of the elements. It was not an attack, and this was not a battle. It was annihilation, brought down by an uncaring God. When the winds once more settled, there was nothing left. A crater, a ruin of greatness. The Gardens had been completely annihilated, the Guardians having died alongside their sanctuary. Like a hailstorm of stone, horse-sized boulders hurtled towards the Earth, along with everything else that had been torn into the sky by the torrential assault. And among the ruins of the Garden lay the trampled bodies of the heroes of this story. Or so had it been, had they not been a sturdy lot. Whether through magical protection, immortality, or sheer luck, the night's invaders had survived. Depleted, worn out, heavily wounded they remained, many of them buried under layers of stone, dirt and plant matter. Even Markus survived, although he did so only through virtue of his own reflexes. Instead of facing the blast head-on, he had turned to lightning and managed to escape the worst of the explosion by moving up into the sky, where there were no boulders to crush him. Saito sighs as he looks over the destruction, feeling slightly drained. Even for a God, an attack of such magnitude had cost a rather large amount of energy. Shame about the garden. He'd probably get an earful. But hey. What was subtlety, when one can magically nuke an area? Chuckling, he zapped off back to the Palace, where the others would no doubt be waiting for him to return.