Kris winced sharply at the threats he'd just been given, then grew dead serious as the accusations mounted against him. Fuck this, play time's over, thought Kris. He may come off as too manipulative and overbearing in matters of formality, but there was no way in hell he would be misunderstood for his honesty this time. "I'm sure both of you know the significance of a wired connection, especially to Burst Linkers. Right now, either of us can initiate an unlimited amount of Duels against each other while the cables are still secure, barring Battle Royales. If you have any steam to let off against me, then by all means I can't prevent you from sating your grudge over and over. However, I have enough BP to challenge both of you while remaining on a safe number; we'll all eventually be exhausted and waste our time fighting anyways. And as you both should also know, a Burst Linker who loses all their BP has their program uninstalled, and their [b]memory since installation wiped away[/b]. If perchance you do succeed in defeating me, I probably wouldn't give a damn and thought about why you're throwing my body into a ditch or under a bus." "Otherwise, it appears an alliance or even neutrality between us will only complicate matters. Perhaps if we'd met in a different occasion, I wouldn't be dealing with loose cannons and plain sadism. My intent was never to harm any of you in real life, only to fight you within Brain Burst; if you want to twist those two realities together, then I want to have nothing to do with people who think a video game is reality," Kris snapped-thought, as he slid his chair back to get up. He then opened his voice, and simply stated, "If you are unwilling to learn your lesson, then I have nothing more to offer you." His hand reached for the cable attached to his Neuro Linker.