[h1][color=yellow]Ellis Nochel[/color][/h1] Ellis was slightly agitated by Elurra's answer to his question. It provided him with little to no information whatsoever. He was the brightest tool in the shed, but he even he knew better than to venture out into the snow alone. He was antsy, though, and was eager to depart from the frigid peaks as soon as possible. He looked at the other travelers who currently occupied the cabin. He didn't like it one bit but he would be to his benefit to put his trust in them as they were all in the same predicament. He wasn't too keen on setting any allegiances in stone at the moment. He simply intended to follow the path that the majority of them elected to take. Displaying his displeasure with Elurra's answer, Ellis pressed his back against the wall and folded his arms. If he was going to stay put he was at least going to get comfortable. "Whenever you're all ready to go," Ellis grumbled, "let me know. I'll tag along."