[@supertinyking] Marcus seems rather annoyed, his feathers flaring up in a fit of heat. "[i]Dirt[/i] does not fit me, you oaf. I am much more exquisite than [i]dirt[/i]." He said the word dirt with extreme disdain, and as if just remembering, he looked around him, and dusted himself off. He patted down the ruffled feathers and went back to his usual temperament. He glared at Mortis but said no more, as if knowing if he gets riled again his feathers would become a mess once more. "Anyways, I was here before you, asshole-" as he gestures to Rick "-and I was questioning who made that insufferable noise!" He growled, glaring between the three people before him. "I was trying to sleep, and I've got the damnedest headache right now!" His feathers temporarily seemed to jump with seething, but he calms down and the feathers lay back down.