Having been alone for so long and being on the move almost constantly, Olivia hadn't really thought of the idea of having an extra spot to stay in case something happened once they settled down in Canada. Shawn's suggestion of finding a camper and hiding the boat was a good one. Olivia agreed readily, glad that he had thought of it when she had not. The idea that they might not be able to grow much was a bit worrisome though, but they could always build a green house. With a greenhouse they could grow fruit and vegetables year round. That was something they were going to have to find though--seeds to grow. Olivia also agreed that they needed to get some maps saying, "I think we should do that soon then. Perhaps take tomorrow to rest, and then go searching the libraries the day after that." When Shawn began to reflect on her question of what they were to each other, Olivia listened patiently. Lovers. She had kind of thought of that herself. When not meaning just the physical aspect of a relationship, it felt deeper than the terms 'girlfriend' and 'boyfriend'. Olivia had felt a weird saying it aloud, but when Shawn spoke the word it settled into her mind and just seemed right. She smiled happily at his words, her smile changing to a bit of a grin when she saw him blushing. Shawn was simply too cute when he got embarrassed. But then his next words had [i]her[/i] blushing. "You're not so bad looking yourself," Olivia teased, giving his hand a squeeze. Standing up with Shawn's hand still in hers, Olivia came to a stop in front of his chair. Taking his other hand in hers she pulled him up and out of his chair. Wrapping her arms around Shawn's shoulders she leaned up on her tip-toes to place a loving kiss on his lips. Breaking away from the kiss, she beamed up at him and said, "Come on, handsome. Let's go get some rest." Taking one of his hands in hers again, Olivia led Shawn into their new bedroom. She crawled into the bed which was now clean and smelled a lot better than before. It was chilly and so Olivia snuggled up close to Shawn, draping her arm across his stomach and giving him a kiss on the cheek. "Mmmm, you're nice and warm," Olivia hummed happily as she cuddled up to him.