Well, that's one option. Roland's "concerns" were just unintentionally justified. He got panic and kill Richard right then and there, or be cunning and use it to his advantage. "See! I told you Montierro already has men here!" Then have his guards take Gwen to her room? Idk, she wouldn't go for it being a general, she'd want to fight and protect her father. That's your challenge of not being a damsel: how to get Gwen away from the bulk of the fighting. I can tell you, the secret escape is a tunnel in one of the dungeon cells. Hm...maybe she doesn't get sent to the corner. Maybe everyone in the Court moves to a safer area, the throne room, maybe? Then, the fighting breaks out. I figured Roland probably had some of the castle guards on his side before making this bold move, so those troops still loyal to Gwen and Richard would be outnumbered. If they keep getting pushed back, then that's when Ryder could pop in and lead the royal family to the dungeons. The noble king will be engaged and tell Gwen to clear the way and they'll follow shortly. Of course, they never get that chance... EDIT: Thoughts that came to my mind anyways, feel free to use, manipulate, or discard as you see fit :)