[@SilverDawn] [@Anderiel] [color=003471]"I... we don't know"[/color] says Rin as she faces the eye of a being so much greater than she is. It hit her then, more than even when she had been sent flying... this was a living, reasoning being. Gigantic. Flying. A... dragon? The thought of it was so dizzying that she almost dropped... however, her grip on dragging Kyoukai kept her somewhat grounded, enough to take a deep breath and try to recover her senses. She may be on another world... but she was still Yukino Rin. She tried to gather her strength and confidence, speaking to the eye. [color=004b80]"We are not from this place... we were called. Brought here. By what, I don't know... I vaguely remember speaking with someone in my dreams. Someone that would give me a new chance... and a new place. I don't know about humans not having magic or anything... but since coming here I feel... different. Not ordinary as before. Perhaps something about that is why we, somehow, were able to help you"[/color]