[h2]Penoraya T'mivus - Raya[/h2] [b]Three Weeks Earlier[/b].... As she watched the Drells chest rise and fall she knew that he would be okay, if only for the current moment. She was grateful that Daro was able to get to them as fast as she did, though now the Quarian was in danger as she was really close to the front. Raya could hear the gun fire was getting closer and she could feel it bounce off the wall she was currently hiding behind. She couldn't let Daro or Nik get hurt, she couldn't let the enemy get any closer. Looking quickly at Nik then Daro she made up her mind. [color=blue]"Take care of him."[/color] She said before leaving the cover and running towards the enemy. Taking cover she stood her ground and tried to keep the enemy back. She was running low on thermal clips and wasn't sure if she was going to be able to keep the enemy back much longer. But she couldn't afford to fall back, she had to hold her ground or else Daro and Nik would be in trouble. As she held onto that thought she ran out ammo. She was about to use her biotics when Jek's forces finally showed up. She leaned back on the battered wall tired and for the first time wanting this to end. She wasn't sure why she was suddenly tired, as she had been in similar situations and was able to last for much longer. But then she was fighting for herself and had no cares for those she was with, but this was different she cared, even though she tried not to. [hr] [b]Few Days Later[/b] The door frame was cool on her skin as she leaned on it and looked into a makeshift hospital room. On the bed lay the Drell that was the leader of the group, his chest rising and falling in an even pattern. As far as Raya knew she was the only one to have visited Nik, everyone else was busy or trying to be busy as not to think that their leader might never wake up or die. But she, for some reason, couldn't stay away. She had to see him, she had to make sure that he was treated properly, or at least that was what she told herself. "You can go in you know." Raya didn't move upon hearing Jek's voice, she just continued to watch Nik's rising and falling chest. "I got a job for you, come to my office when you are done looking at toady here." He said seeing that she wasn't going to respond to him. And like before Raya didn't respond but this time Jek wasn't going to wait for an answer, he simply left. Once Jek was gone she moved slowly into room and stood next to Nik's bed. She wasn't sure why or what she was going to do in the room. All she knew was that her feet brought her in and that her chest hurt. She didn't understand the pain in her chest Or why she was still in the room. She looked down at the Drells still face and wondered if he would ever wake up. [color=blue]"Wake up soon Nik, we need you. I ne...... Please just wake up."[/color] She whispered as she softly took his hand in hers. Her chest began to hurt again and before it could get worse she squeezed his hand and quickly left. She made her way to Jek's office after dealing with a grabbing Turian, who was on his way to see a doctor. Once the elevator reached the top floor and the doors opened, she walked out with a grace that only a hunter possessed. She was half way to Jek's desk when the Batarian looked from whatever had his attention. "I was wondering when you would get your fine ass up here." Raya smirked slightly, though it was more like a predators before making a kill. Jek seemed to pick that up and did a similar smile back, if it was one thing that she learned it was the Jek would not be out done. He motioned her to sit once she was up to his desk but she refused, predators always stayed alert. [color=blue]"You wanted me for something?"[/color] She asked as she folded her arms. "I want you for a lot of things, some things that are.... more pleasurable than others. But I brought you up here for something different." He said as he took out a two glasses and a bottle of Batarian brandy. Pouring the brandy into both glasses he passed one to Raya. She took it and as she did so she could see a glint in his eyes, it betrayed his thoughts but then she had seen it before in other males. Seeing that she wasn't going to say anything he continued as he sat on the corner of his desk. "You and I are alot alike. We are top predators we enjoy the hunt, the kill and getting whatever we fucking please. But mostly we love the kill even if it takes a long time for our prey to die." He said 'kill' in a purr like matter. [color=blue]"I still don't see why you brought me here."[/color] She said as she wondered if the only reason he had her come up was so he could get her into bed. She was in no mood to be seduced. She didn't really like being compared to him, as Nik's words rang through her head. [i]Killing made Jek a monster, while monsters made her a killer.[/i] "Jenik, The Vengeful, Serra T'Suluv, Justicar Lorrina, Xian, Fennar..... The list can go on. Does any of these ring a bell?" Raya's jaw stiffened as she didn't know how the bastard even knew of her background, half the names he said no one should even know that she was part of. She could see a different glint in his eyes now, one that she knew well. It was a look predators get just before a sure kill. A low growl rose in her throat, as she was not one to corner. Those that did corner her died, some of the names he said proved it. [color=blue]"You better have a point."[/color] She said through a tense jaw. She was gathering energy just in case as she was in no mood to be played, plus she wasn't liking the corner that Jek was backing her into. "Oh I have a point, the main point being I can't keep your fine blue ass back here. I was informed that if you aren't kept busy people die..... I would like to keep some of my men alive, that's all I need to have the front lines safer than here." He said with slight amusement in his voice before taking a drink of his brandy. "I'm putting you on one of strike teams on the front. Go to Mevic, it's his team I'm putting you on." He said as he lifted his drink to his lips. Raya took a sip of the drink she was given before placing it on his desk. She bowed her head slightly though her eyes betrayed her malice. She turned and began to walk to the elevator. She was sure that bastard had more to say but she wasn't going to let him, which she was sure would piss him off as he liked the sound of his own voice. Though she could feel his eyes on her ass as she walked away. [hr] [b]Two Weeks Ago.....[/b] "RAYA!" She sighed as she knew what was coming, she had screwed with Mevic's plan and now the damn Batarian was coming to yell at her. He should of known by now that she doesn't stay in the back, she was a front line fighter. Nik knew as soon as he met her that she was not one to hold back, but everyone here seemed to lack brains. "I TOLD YOU TO STAY IN THE BACK!" Mevic yelled as he stomped his way over to her, though she kept her back to him which was only adding fuel to the fire. But she didn't care, she was losing that ability fast. She didn't care for anyone on this team, so if push came to shove she kill everyone and not give a damn. "YOU WILL TURN AROUND AND SHOW DAMN RESPECT TO ME, YOU DAMN ASARI!" She could hear him lifting his weapon, she inwardly smirked as it reminded her of the last time someone on a "team" pointed a weapon on her. Not many lived to tell the tale, but she was sure that this idiot didn't know about that. Turning slowly she faced the Batarian, though her eyes were cold and unnerving as they seemed empty. Her aura was cold and it seemed like others could feel the temperature drop. Mevic hesitated for a brief moment before re-composing himself, but if she could of easily taken advantage of that brief hesitation. "I thought I told you to say in the back?" He said with anger plain in her voice. He was still pointing his weapon at her which was rather annoying. [color=blue]"Of course, but I'm one to keep in the back."[/color] She said coolly as she weighed the situation. "I don't give a fuck, you go where I tell you to go! Are we clear?" [color=blue]"I know what you want me to do Mevic, but it's a shit call."[/color] She said a bored tone. This made the Batarians eyes twitch for a moment before he turned around, but as he did so he gave a signal and the team surrounded her with lifted weapons. So he was going to kill her, he could deal with her so he was going to have her killed. [color=blue]"What will Jek say when he finds out that you had me killed?"[/color] She said coldly as if she didn't even care that there were guns pointed at her. "He will never know, we will simply say that you didn't follow orders and got yourself killed......." If he was going to say more he never got time to as Raya released field of biotic energy that pushed everyone back. Using her biotics, she rushed Mevic while letting a scream escape from her lips. It sounded like something undead and unholy, almost like a demon had possessed her. She hadn’t screamed like that in years, not since joining Nik's team. She may have done it once to scare their target (though it freaked her team out as well), but no one knew it was her that did it. She had her hands around Mevic's throat as she pushed him to the ground. Her eyes were black, she bared her teeth, she looked nothing like herself at least the self that Nik, Haze, Daro or even Ardan knew. She could feel the Batarians pulse under her fingers try to quicken and she could see that he was trying to understand what was going on but she knew it was becoming harder for him to do. She let out another scream as she began to lift his head then smash it to the ground. She lost count how many time she did that, but she stopped when she could no longer feel a pulse or got any resistance from Batarian. She looked down at the now dead Batarian and felt a rush go through her body. It was something she always got when she made a kill, but this one was stronger and left her with a warm tingling feeling. Oh, she missed having that feeling. She stood up an turned slowly, she could see that most of the team was standing there wide eyed and most likely scared. Her chest rose and fell slowly as she looked at them, her eyes were still black. She could kill them all and feel nothing but pleasure, but instead she took a moment and composed herself and make herself look normal as possible. [color=blue]"Follow me or die, your choice."[/color] She said such little emotion that it showed that she wasn't above taking their lives. [i]Killing made Jek a monster, while monsters made you a killer.[/i] She was no longer sure what Nik said was true. [hr] [b]Present[/b] On all accounts it was nice being with her old team, but the past few weeks had left her feeling like a monster. So while the others talked she mostly remained silent, for all they knew was that she was sent to kill things. Which was true, but there were times when she did more than just kill, she tortured some enemy fighter's. Some of her techniques made some of the team she took over sick, but she enjoyed it. So being with her old team was very bitter sweet. Just then Jek came with..... Nik? All this time she had been kind of distant but suddenly seeing the Drell pulled her slightly from her cold aura. Her chest began to hurt again only this time for something different. Was she nervous? Or happy? She wasn't sure, but a part of her wondered if he knew about all the things she had done while he was out. Though he couldn't have as he must of just woken up. She remained behind the others while they greeted him back. When he happened to look her way she gave a small smile, though it felt odd on her face as it had been a very long time since she last smiled (the night both she and the Drell drank in his room). When Haze asked how everyone liked his new weapon she lifted an eyebrow and nearly smiled when Daro commented how big it was. Hopefully being with her team again would soften her up like before. But her protectiveness over her team had dulled slightly since killing some of members of the squad she took over. But she didn't care for them, she cared for these guys or she did. She was no longer sure of herself. Jek should of let her be, because now she was damaged again.