The kiss was unexpected but very welcome he couldn't resist kissing her back. As she broke it to lead him to bed he was reeling with her love. He broke the eye contact to look at her more as a woman. A very fine southern woman. He wanted to pick her up and kiss her more to hold her hostage in his arms and exact a ransom of kisses from Olivia. To gaze up at her over him like a vision of heavens grace. As she smiled down at him. His heart beat fast as Shawn's mind raced with possibilities. Closing his eyes within a forced blink he banished the thoughts and felt his hand being lead by Olivia. Shawn followed like a puppy. If he had a tail it would be knocking stuff over as it waged behind him. Her thin night wear was making impossible to sleep for the first few hours all he could do was wrap his arm around Olivia and stare at the ceiling with a deep pink on his face. He took a deep breath as he laid there on his back whit Olivia against him. Both under the covers on a boat as the water rocked them Shawn kept his hand at her hip. He dared to imaging what might or might not be there under what he could see. With his free hand he pinched his leg hard digging his short nails into his skin. It would bruise but that was ok with him. The pain helped a lot. Eventually he got use to her being so close her sweet smell as he breathed in her hair. Shawn just laid there and softly touched her hand on his stomach. Interlocking the fingers of Shawn's hand with Olivia's the smile stayed on his face eventually he drifted off to sleep.