[center][h2][color=cyan]Luka[/color] & [color=f9a0a6]Samael[/color][/h2] [h2][b]Main Street -> Huskers Restaurant[/b][/h2] Gale felt a rush of relief when he felt another hand on his shoulder and heard Samael speak up from behind him. Gale felt Samael try to guide him away from the filthy man but the human held onto the angel with surprising force, unwilling to let his prey go as he turned towards Samael with an angry look. [color=red]"None of your–"[/color] Gale blinked, confused as the human seemed to cut off, eyes glazing over as he stared over Gale's head at Samael. He stared at the human in bewilderment before it [i]clicked[/i]. As realization washed over him he stiffened. He had seen that type of look before, like that of a deer caught in the glare of headlights. He knew not all demons needed eye contact, some merely needed to speak while others didn't need words or contact at all. Gale's thoughts were confirmed when Samael commanded the human to release the angel and the male did so without resistance. Bystanders would simply believe the human man was intimidated by the veiled threat in Samael's words but the expression was too hazy, too [i]empty[/i] for the man to have done that action of his own free will. [color=f9a0a6]"Better. Now would you kindly go–"[/color] Gale waited for Samael to finish the rest of the sentence but he didn't. Not until the human was already turning and scurrying off as if given a silent command and the finished sentence was hurried, as if Samael realized he had left words unspoken and was trying to cover up the error. As Samael turned to face Gale and asked if he was alright, Gale could only nod silently as he stared up at Samael with wide eyes. The taller male reached up to ruffle Gale's hair in a gesture of comfort and that's when Gale knew he had to know for sure. Slowly, he reached out and gently touched the skin of Samael's arm. A tingling feeling shot up his limb and he sucked in a surprised breath as his eyes flashed gold slightly. The angel in him cowered away at the feeling of the unknown demonic aura. It had taken him a long time to get used to Cas's demon aura but he still reacted like this when in the presence of another demon. So Samael was a demon. Great. Well, Cas wasn't going to like this one bit. Gale didn't particularly mind that Samael was a demon; he couldn't really judge with his own brother being of the same race. But he knew that most demons hated angels and he sadly wondered if Samael wouldn't want anything more to do with him now that he knew Gale was an angel. Trying not to let the thought bring him down, his hand dropped to his side as he sent a small smile up at the other male. [color=cyan]"Thank you for helping me. My name is Gale Winchester."[/color] He told the male softly, reaching up to brush his bangs out of his face. Thanks to Samael's action, Gale's hair was probably even messier than what it had been this morning. Before Gale knew what he was doing, a wave of bravery washed over him and his next words spilled out before he could stop them. [color=cyan]"W-Would you possibly like to join me for lunch at Huskers? It will be my treat as thanks for helping me out."[/color] A blush darkened his cheeks and he looked down shyly. What in the world was he [i]thinking[/i]? Gale was an [i]angel[/i] and Samael was a [i]demon[/i]. Samael probably didn't want to look at Gale ever again now that he knew what the angel was never mind have lunch with him. [color=f9a0a6]"Oh you – you don't mind?"[/color] He gestured to all of himself, though the question was mostly rhetorical. Gale [i]did[/i] ask, after all, and he definitely knew what he was by now if that gasp of surprise had anything to do with it. [color=f9a0a6]"I mean, I don't mind if you don't mind, of course so, [i]yeah[/i]– Yeah, I'd definitely like that."[/color] Samael chewed on his lip nervously as he turned to put the massive cover over his harp so that it was ready to be wheeled out, pushed down to the alleyway that he stored his car in whilst busking. He tilted his head to the side, beckoning Gale to follow him as he moved the instrument through the throngs of people shopping up and down the street. [color=f9a0a6]"My name's Samael. Well, some people call me Sam or Sammy or any permutation thereof to be a bit more [i]human[/i], but it's Samael."[/color] There weren't many angels in New Orleans. He could count them on one hand, and more than a few of them were female. Samael wondered whether that made Gale "Galadriel" or not, the Angel of Light and Healing. Even when Samael had been a loyal servant of God, he'd been one of wrath and justice – he didn't give people the warm fuzzies. Still, he introduced himself as Gale, so Gale it would be. Luckily it was only a short walk to his car, and he packed the harp inside and locked it again. Huskers was close enough to head there on foot. [color=f9a0a6]"I've been going to that cafe you work in a lot. I wasn't sure if you noticed,"[/color] he admitted with with a sheepish shrug and a self-deprecating grin. [color=cyan]"If I did mind that you're what you are then I would be quite the hypocrite."[/color] Gale answered but left it at that. He wasn't sure if Cas would appreciate Gale telling another demon about him. Cas's feelings towards his own kind were not hidden at all and he idely wondered what his brother would do when he found out his younger brother was talking to another demon. [color=cyan][I]I can talk to whomever I wish. Besides, Samael doesn't seem all that bad. But then again this is the first time I've really talked to him.[/I][/color] He watched as Samael covered up his harp then walked beside the demon as he began wheeling the instrument through the crowds towards where Gale assumed he stored the instrument. [color=cyan]"My full name is Galadriel but as that tends to give me quite the looks when introducing myself I mostly go by Gale."[/color] Gale answered. Here he was, giving his angel name to a demon. Cas was going to [I]kill[/I] him. But he didn't want to lie to Samael. He didn't like lying in general. Though there was also the fact that he blushed beat red every time he lied so he really couldn't lie either. Cas always found eventually, even if Gale didn't say anything. The angel's eyes were an open book to his soul, as Cas would say. As they reached Samael's vehicle, Gale was going to offer assistance in pack the harp away but before he could get a word out Samael had already finished. As they turned and began heading for Huskers Gale answered Samael's last statement before he really knew what he was doing. [color=cyan]"Of [I]course[/I] I noticed you, how could I not?"[/color] His eyes widened as he glanced up at Samael, cheeks darkening in a blush. The angel scrambled to think of words to save himself. [color=cyan]"I-I mean, I-it's very hard to m-miss one as handsome as you."[/color] Gale could [I]slap[/I] himself. What was he saying?! He decided the best course of action would be to just keep his mouth shut and he stared down at the ground as they walked, wishing it would swallow him whole. Samael took the compliment in stride – flirting wasn't really anything new for him – but he couldn't stop the blood from rushing to his cheeks nor the sly grin that spread across his face. "[i]Of course[/i]," he said over-dramatically. [color=f9a0a6]"But then again, you're not bad yourself. And when I say not bad, I mean, 'Wowza!'"[/color] [i]God, Samael, you're stuck a dork. Do people even say 'Wowza' anymore?[/i] He heard the mockery of his internal commentary in Azrael's gruff, scathing voice; entirely fitting for his trying (and probably failing) to chat up an angel. Then again, there was mutual attraction – he couldn't mess things up [i]too[/i] hard. [color=f9a0a6]"Galadriel, then,"[/color] he tested, though he already knew the name, imprinted in his mind from a mere moment of skin-to-skin contact. The name wasn't in any of the scriptures thus far, and Samael wondered whether the angel was a new one; pure, uncorrupted. Previous iterations of Samael had all fallen one way or another, became sort-of demons whose grace and lineage passed onto the next with their deaths – he couldn't boast any such claim. [color=f9a0a6]"Pretty name you were given. It suits you."[/color] And it really did. Samael couldn't even lie to himself and say he didn't find Gale's blushing to be the most adorable thing he'd seen in centuries. Gale glanced up, catching the grin that spread across Samael's face at the angel's words. He quite liked the expression on the demons face, it made him look even more handsome. At that thought Gale's cheeks, which had cooled down from his earlier embarrassment, heated up slightly. They then proceeded to heat up even more at Samael's words, a giggle slipping free as Gale heard the demon's compliment. [color=cyan][i]Wowza?[/I][/color] Gale thought to himself, a giggle slipping free as he smiled up at Samael, dimples showing slightly. [color=cyan]"I wasn't aware that was still in style."[/color] As they walked Gale bit his lip, glancing at Samael out of the corner of his eye. He nibbled his bottom lip nervously for a few moments before he hesitantly reached and shyly twined his slender fingers through Samael's. The blush returned to his cheeks as he glanced down shyly, hoping he was wasn't moving too fast. At least if Samael wasn't aware of Gale interest towards him, he did now. Gale just hoped it would be received happily. This was the first boy he had really shown interest in before. Sure, he figured out he liked boys more so than girls but he had never acted on his interests before, until now. [color=cyan]"Pretty though it may be, the meaning of it is odd. 'maiden crowned with a garland of bright radiance'."[/color] Gale looked up at the demon. [color=cyan]"Samael means 'Venom of God' does it not?"[/color] The angel asked curiously, hoping he wasn't bringing up touchy subjects. [color=cyan]"S-Sorry. Cas says I can be too nosy for my own good sometimes. You don't have to answer that if you don't want to."[/color] Samael slid his sunglasses down off his forehead to protect his eyes from the sun's glare as they walked along Main Street. When Gale reached for his hand, the demon nearly jumped out of his skin, so unused to gentle physical contact that it was almost scary. Still, he rolled his shoulders back (flexing the frail wings attached, flat scars though they were when not being used) and squeezed the angel's fingers, carefully. Good old New Orleans – nobody even blinked an eye. [i]New, pure, good. You shouldn't be doing this.[/i] He kindly told that voice to piss off, just as he had the man under his compulsion. When he was asked about his name, to his credit, he didn't flinch – even when Gale offered him an out. [color=f9a0a6]"It's no big deal. I've made my peace with it,"[/color] he told him. [color=f9a0a6]"I was one of the more... My purpose wasn't to be healing or anything, when I was made an angel. I am, I mean, I was more of a soldier, smiting down evildoers. Hence the 'Venom' part."[/color] With his free hand, Samael rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. [color=f9a0a6]"Angels of Death and Wrath and all that are more prone to Falling, as it has always been."[/color] His sister would be right on the precipice of it, if she kept on how she was going. Samael hadn't told her, not yet. [color=f9a0a6]"[i]Anyway[/i],"[/color] he said decisively, a sly smirk sure to replace any haunted look spreading across his face. Samael waggled his eyebrows. [color=f9a0a6]"You said it meant, 'Maiden'?"[/color] Gale felt a small smile spread across his face when, instead of pushing the angel away like Gale feared he would, Samael returned the gentle pressure on his fingers. As they continued walking, hands linked between them Gale was grateful to notice that the residents of New Orleans didn't even give them a second glance. The tourists visiting the state however were throwing them, some curious, some disgusted and some supportive. Gale watched as one man sneered at them, lip curled in contempt. His wife glanced over then hit him on the arm and dragged him away, berating as they went. Gale turned away, not really concerned about if the tourists didn't like Samael and him holding hands. They wouldn't be living here so Gale wouldn't be seeing them for very long. As Samael told Gale of the origin of his name, Gale listened quietly, giving the demon's hand a supportive squeeze from time to time. When he asked Gale more about the meaning of his own name Gale blushed. [color=cyan]"Yes, maiden. My mentor thought it was very funny as well. Said it was because of my 'feminine looks' or something like that. I just think he likes a good laugh. He always enjoyed making me embarrassed during my training."[/color] Gale answered, looking down as he swung their joined hands back and forth softly. They were almost to the restaurant when Gale noticed a small girl was running through the crowds. He was untangling his hand from Samael's before he really knew what he was doing though he was a second tool ate in catching the girl as she tripped over a crack in the sidewalk. He knelt next to the crying child, smiling gently at her as he softly wiped the tears from her cheeks. [color=cyan]"Hey sweetie. Shuu, it's okay."[/color] He dung through his messenger bag and quickly pulled a band-aid from its depths. He showed it to the child. [color=cyan]"Look! See this band-aid? It's looks like a normal band-aid doesn't it? Well, I'll let you in on a little secret. This is a [i]magic[/i] band-aid. It will make the pain all go away."[/color] The little girl stopped crying, staring at the band-aid with awe-filled eyes. Gale smiled and unwrapped it, gently placing it on the girl's scrapped knee. He lowered his eyes towards the ground so the people passing by or anyone looking at him wouldn't see his eyes briefly flash gold as he healed the scrap concealed under the band-aid. He then stood, helping the child to her feet. Just then a harried mother arrived, pulling another child by the hand, who was crying about wanting candy. She gave Gale a small smile as she gently grabbed her daughters hand and pulled her down the street. Gale turned back to Samael, holding his hand out to the demon. [color=cyan]"Shall we continue?"[/color] The demon watched from the side, fluttering nervously. He'd never been good with kids, not since he was [i]actually[/i] human and had little siblings to worry about. Still, he managed a soft smile at the girl without looking like he was having an aneurysm – he hoped. Samael's cheeks burned red just watching the scene. Gale was just the perfect image of an angel, wasn't he? When the injured girl was reunited with her mother, who rushed off down the street, he couldn't help but murmur, [color=f9a0a6]"That was [i]really[/i] cute, by the way."[/color] [color=f9a0a6]"Of course,"[/color] Samael said, taking Gale's hand as they walked into Huskers. The door chimed as it opened. [hr][hr] [@McHaggis] [h2][color=cyan]Gale Winchester[/color] & [color=gold]Cas Winchester[/color] Huskers Restaurant[/h2] Gale's cheeks reddened when Samael mentioned that his actions were cute. The angel didn't comment, not that he knew how really as he stared at the ground. He had never been called cute before and didn't really know how to respond to such a compliment. Thankfully he didn't have to answer as Huskers came into sight and the two walked inside. It was busy as usual, perhaps more so considering it was lunch hour. Gale's eyes scanned the tables and booths, searching for that that might be unoccupied. However, his eyes caught on something he didn't expect to see at the cheery restaurant. What in the world was his brother doing here? Cas hardly ever came to Huskers, preferring to go to the cafe Gale worked at and he wondered what made his older brother change his mind today. Either way, Gale didn't quite know if he wanted Cas to meet Samael yet, considering Gale didn't really know if the demon wanted a serious relationship or not. They still had to talk about it and Cas finding out that Gale had interest in a demon and vice versa...well, it wasn't going to end prettily. However, before Gale could find them seats out of his brothers sights, Cas glanced over. Gale tried not to pale as his older brother's eyes zeroed in on their clasped hands before looking at Gale with narrowed eyes. Gale reflexly squeezed Samael's hand tighter as Cas stood from his seat and made his way over to his younger brother. The older demon stared down at the angel, not sure what to make of Gale holding hands with a guy Cas has never seen before. [color=gold]"Hey Gale, no work today huh?"[/color] Cas said, wrapping his arms around his little brother and doing so forcing the angel to drop Samael's. Cas then turned towards Samael, charming smile spreading across his face. [color=gold]"Who's your [i]friend[/i]?"[/color] Cas asked, stressing the word 'friend'. Gale smiled weakly but before the angel could get a word in Cas turned towards the other male, extending his hand. [color=gold]"Cas Winchester, older brother to Gale here. Nice to meet you."[/color] The smile stayed on his face but his eyes told a different story. They were silently daring this guy to not accept Cas's offered handshake.[/center]