[color=6ecff6]“Suit yourself mister seaman, but you haven’t really seen me angry till I destroy something.”[/color] Nai said with a huge grin.[color=6ecff6]” As for her, well I’m cut from my magic at present so I can’t help her in any way right now. Give her a remedy or antidote and she should stabilize for a time if she is suffering from withdraws symptoms… at least till she drugs herself again and this situation repeats.” [/color] [color=6ecff6]“No one said that clearing one’s mind, couldn’t also entail planning for revenge~”[/color] Nai said with a smile as she dragged to the wall between her and Alex. Sitting comfortably and leaning on it she closed her eyes.[color=6ecff6]” She can scold me, but I believe I’m right here to plan for vengeance… Now follow my voice and let us descent into our minds…”[/color] Nai said slowly and with calm voice as she began guiding Alex and herself into a deeper state of meditation, but they were disturbed by the sick girl.[color=6ecff6]” Alex, concentrate on my voice for now, we cannot help her from here anyways. Whomever you are, If you feel like you can follow into our meditation, concentrate and follow my voice into meditation state.”[/color] Nai said and finally added to the sick girl.[color=6ecff6]” As long as your mind calms and focuses on external target, your body will calm a little. Alternatively, break one of your fingers… the pain will numb temporary numb any of your other conditions.”[/color] Nai said and quickly began guiding herself and Alex into meditation state. Once the initial stage was passed and her mind locked every outside distraction away, all she could feel and hear was Alex’s breathing and heartbeat from the other side of the wall. Sometimes she felt that Alex and her were like the both side of a coin… Now in this calm state of mind, she began running through all her experiences in Kilika. She recalled everything that happened multiple times… as if watching it again and again. Observing and studying everything she can draw from her memories, especially about that guard captain… that woman was going to eventually pay for her deeds one way or another… along with that mayor. Once they were done with Thane, she was going to dig all the dirt on him and ruin him into the ground. After she was done with that man, he wasn’t even going to be able to walk in the light of day without shame… As for the guard captain… she was going to learn a thing or two about electricity herself.