I"ll put a lot of that in the actual ooc or send it to you a little later since I want to see if anyone else shows interest. I can put a little info on monks for you though. [hider=Monks]The pinnacle of religious dedication can be found in the monasteries, these massive and secluded religious fortresses are scattered across the various Zhu kingdoms normally in either hard to reach places or just far from population centers. There live the women who have completely devoted their lives to nothing but the religion itself for reasons that vary wildly from woman to woman. But in order to stay there for longer than a simple visit (Anyone can come look around as long as they are respectful) they had to prove their dedication through physical and mental tests that would kill or break lesser people. Once they prove their worth they dedicate their lives to becoming living embodiments of the tenets of faith, doing nothing but study, observe, and apply their ideals until they reach enlightenment. As such the monasteries are home to people much more versed in the religion than any priestess other then maybe the High Priestess herself. Due to their focus on honor and inner peace they tend to be mostly nonviolent (outside of simple sparring) but when compelled to a worthy cause the pure discipline and mastered state of chi (along with the tenet of strength) gives rise to a fighting force that puts even the best warriors to shame.[/hider] And the tenets in question [hider=Tenets of Faith]Strength: Weakness in all of its forms is to be challenged and overcome and not allowed to fester within one's body, mind, or soul. To accept the weakness within is to fail the Great mother and accept dishonor. Courage: Never allow fear to take hold of your mind, one must fight through it and continue on with whatever causes them distress. To follow Zhu is never whimper in the face of fear, but to bear your fangs and destroy it. Loyalty: Blood may be thicker than water but Loyalty is stronger than blood. Your loyalty must be the most sacred bond you have no matter who it may be too. When you swear loyalty you must stay true to it as long as it stays honorable, the faith and those who you are loyal to must take precedence over any others. Discipline(this one is flexible and can be replaced with things like grace or guile I'll explain more on that later): A sound soul resides within a sound mind, and a sound body. Followers of Zhu must strive to achieve harmony within themselves and the universe at large, for only when one has mastered them self can they even begin to perceive the Great Mother in all her glory. Only those who have been enlightened will become Warriors of the Faith and be her favored children in the next life. Honor: The most important of all tenets is to be an honorable person at all times. To disregard Honor is to forsake the Great mother and be a blight on society and those above you. Even in the face of certain death, Honor must be maintained for the integrity of one's soul is more important than the vessel of flesh. Every one of those can be ignored for self preservation except for honor. Honor is to be upheld at all times even in the face of death.[/hider]