Johnathan Woke on the twin mattress needing little. He took to the basin washing his face and shaving. He dressed in his brown jeans and an extremely faded blue jean shirt with brown buttons. Stepping outside he took in the rustic look and breathed the fresh air. It was a small community and he loved everything about it but the fence. It was explained to him why it was needed but he couldn't see past the imprisoned feeling it gave him. Not too long before he had a run in with a ranger in one of the parks. The dart in him and the cage he woke to it was small and it taught him the fear of small enclosures. Thankfully he was released to a different section of woods but he left not wanting to repeat the incident. Now there was more land then he could mark and the upright wolves would never try to capture him. He knew that tonight was the hunt and it was a town activity. They would need wood so he went back to the tree he had cut up and lashed it to the yoke so he could pull it into town. He took off his shirt to keep it from tearing and laid it on the log. Using his inner strength made him feel good. Johnathan would get a little more hair on his limbs and chest but it was all right. His bare feet pushed into the earth and he felt the weight move with each step as he pulled it to the town. Once there it would rest where they would have the fire to celebrate the hunt later tonight. Just four more of these logs and the fire would burn all night. Johnathan was grunting at the weight and after the last log for the fire he took to the rain barrel and splashed some water over him. Cupping his hands he also took a few sips of the cool water. He looked around to see who was up and about. [@Ayla] Johnathan saw Runa's wave and returned it with one of his own. His smile didn't get any bigger but for him it was a good sign. He rushed over still sweating from the logs but by now had lost the extra hair. "Morning, can I help out I'm?" He had seen Runa around. She was a nice girl and a member of the town so that made her a friend in his eyes. "You're very welcome." He said as he gave a friendly smile. "Glad to help out. I just got the wood for tonight's hunt. Its a nice day out so I like to get stuff done that needs doing." He walked with her carrying what she gave him like they were eggs. Standing with the warm smile he quietly watched Runa's interaction with the child. Feeling the need to let them be his set the spools of fabric down in a clean spot. Johnathan waved "If there is nothing else I'll leave you two be." He made sure to close the door politely as he left to the kitchen to see if anyone needed his help.