CS ready for consideration! [hider=Eli CS] [color=6ecff6][center][h3][b]Elizabeth Jackspar[/b][/h3][/center][/color] [center][img] http://slffvii.com/wiki/images/4/41/Anime-girl-black-and-white-cute-hood-Favim.com-885888.png[/img][/center] [color=6ecff6][b]Age[/b][/color] 21 [color=6ecff6][b]Appearance[/b][/color] A life dedicated to training has left Eli with a lean, athletic form. An albino, her skin is chalk-white, her long hair a similar color, and her eyes holding a glassy-blue hue. She has a hard gaze and straight posture, like a soldier constantly at attention. Despite this, she’s prone to wearing civilian clothes when things are quiet. Scarves strike her fancy, and she’ll often wear them high on her neck over her mouth, but she’s also prone to gloves and arm warmers. [color=6ecff6][b]Personality[/b][/color] Cold and dismissive to anyone that isn’t her superior, compliant and dutiful to all others with an underlying layer of competitiveness beneath everything. A quick, calculating mind and fast reflexes make Eli a good soldier and little else. When she was in her late teens, Eli suffered a nervous breakdown that left her an anxious wreck. Not knowing how such an incident would affect her daughter’s future, her mother went to great lengths to keep it a secret. The girl recovered without assistance and seemingly returned to normal within a few months. [color=6ecff6][b]Background[/b][/color] There were a lot of people in Smith’s Rest when Eli was still but an idea in the minds of her parents. Her mother a hunter/gatherer, her father a simple key maker, the two of them got along well until their child was conceived. Three months into her pregnancy, Eli’s mother lost her husband in large fight, reportedly started over medicine. Eli never felt the impact of her father’s death, but her mother suffered greatly. Not in the sense of sorrow –though she surely endured that as well– but rather she became incredibly strict. From Eli’s earliest memories her mother has been cold, but it could never have been said she didn’t care about her daughter. She taught Eli to survive in the harshness of Smith’s Rest, taught her to fight, taught her to know her environment and learn to analyze a situation. What Eli did not receive in compassion, she was given twice-over in discipline, and by the time she was in her early teens the girl had a mind like a soldier. What small scraps she got into with other kids were quick and brutal, leading to a small string of incidents and an even smaller string of friends. Indeed, by the time she was a young woman, Eli had no one to consider close, nor was she bothered by this fact. Zero ties meant zero distractions, something she would need none of on the potential battlefields. --- [h3][color=6ecff6][b][center]Blur[/center][/b][/color][/h3] [hider=Appearance](Hidden for size)[center][img]http://static.giantbomb.com/uploads/original/3/32054/947582-2597957b4bdc826750a5c4d99c5f80c6cda5097.jpg[/img][/center][/hider] [u][color=6ecff6][b]:Body-Plan:[/b][/color][/u] Blur is a humanoid, bipedal NC, designed to move and strike quickly. Its armor is lacking, but a myriad of thrusters allow not only for fast evasive maneuvers, but also for gap-closing on enemies. [u][b][color=6ecff6]:Type/Quality:[/color][/b][/u] Blur is designed to be an up-close-and-personal NC, meant to close in on key targets before engaging in a mainly melee assault. In this, Blur excels, and should the enemy be unequipped for close-range combat, they may have trouble. However range is her crux, and while Blur is good at evading enemy fire, should one corner her from far enough away, there is little she can do to get out of the situation. Though Eli would never admit it, Blur works best with, and sometimes even requires a team. [u][b][color=6ecff6]:Equipment:[/color][/b][/u] -Sets of thrusters allowing for enhanced mobility and sustained flight. -Flare caches for more difficult evasive maneuvers. -Targeting system designed to track a single enemy and suggest/allocate NC power to close the distance in the quickest/most effective manner. Suggestions are automatic, control/execution is manual. [u][b][color=6ecff6]:Armaments:[/color][/b][/u] -Standard NC beam swords. One held in the right hand, the other projecting from the top of the left wrist. -Standard NC shotgun, highly dangerous at close range with an exponential decrease in effectiveness as range increases.[/hider]