Atomik had the book thrust into her hands by the leader of the team, and she wasn't quite ready for it, almost fumbling the tome in her hands. "Gee, thanks Crystal!" she said. While she wasn't very good at detecting sarcasm, Atomik could occasionally dish it out. "At least I'm not first I guess..." Hearing what Cypher and Crystal had wrote down in the book upon its request did set the gears in motion of Atomik. [i]Shoot...I dunno...They sound like actually important things to them. Like personal things. I...I don't think I have anything like that. What would I really give up? I...I don't think there's anything there that I would give up.[/i] She looked around. Crystal was talking to Apex, likely to try and get caught up on what happened while everyone was separated. Cypher was still strolling around the small room, taking in the sights of the strange building that the team had found themselves left to explore. BreGle was...waiting for her... [i]OK...[/i] Looking around the room the answer was made somewhat clear. This team, this world, even her current body. There was thing responsible for all of it and in the end, it's been the main force for good in Atomik's life and it was something she valued above all else. That's why it didn't take much convincing for her to join this team when asked those few years ago. So deliberately she wrote down as she said it outloud, "The Digital...World." She wrote the shorthand form on the designated page and closed the book before tossing it towards BreGle. "OK, I think that's good enough for me. Whoever wants to go can go." She didn't give BreGle much choice in the matter but it was doubtful Apex would come over while still talking to Crystal.