Apparently, everyone else thought they were in a video game. That was an utterly absurd notion. Their mass, converted into raw energy would be enough to wipe out a city. It would power the entire internet for a day. Surely she'd been kidnapped and doped up on LSD. She was probably still in Sydney's apartment, lying on the floor. That made a ton more sense. Still, she doubted anyone else was interested in her hypothesis so she just followed along. Sarah had been about to protest when Sydney just ran into a clearing and opened up a chest at the behest of the peculiar spirit but at that point the redhead had already opened it. Sarah had cringed, half expecting it to release deadly gas, stick her with a poison needle, or have the chest filled with a pair of angry goblins or something otherwise deadly. The fact that nothing happens was even more of a shock. "Oh good," Sarah said sarcastically to nobody in particular, rolling her blue eyes, "Swords that nobody knows how to use. It takes years to learn how to use one of those." She paused a long moment, considering. Then again, this could be a good find. They could use the swords to cut into the local foliage. Then they cut turn the small knives into spears by lashing them to long sticks. Spears were way easier to use then swords. That was why the Romans used them for their legions. Actually, it was Strauss' question she was most interested in an answer to. Just who was this figure and why was he or she helping?