It was dark. It was so dark. Dark and cold. Those were the last thoughts of Chen's target as his face with ice and snow in a routine assassination mission. The target was an old 63 year old man who had decided not to pay for a B Rank mission after it was completed. The guards outside the door were knocked out and tied up with Chakra Suppressing rope. The water throughout the building was spiked with powder that caused the drinker to pass out and lose the memory of the past 24 hours. Anyone in the building would believe the target passed away in their sleep once they all woke up. Chen should probably untie those guards soon. Chen walked out of the room after erasing any sign of his presence and making the target look peaceful and covering him with a heated blanket. He untied the guards and sat them down in chairs on each side of the door. They would go into the room in the morning and find the target dead and would believe it to have died in it's sleep. A job well done. As he walked through the building he saw a guard waking up and beginning to panic. A kunai through the throat quickly solved that problem and he sighed. The powder was ineffective. All the guards were waking up and were ready to brawl. 47 seconds passed and they lay on the floor frozen, bleeding, dead. Chen sighed, whoever gave him that powder needed to be fired. 7 hours of unconsciousness my ass. That was 0 hours, 42 minutes, and 23 seconds. Fucking useless. He walked out of the building and pulled out a small piece of paper with various seals on it. He slapped it on the front entrance and it began to ignite. 5 minutes later the building was on fire and Chen was fleeing back to Konoha as fast as he could. No plan survives contact with the enemy indeed. Reporting to the chief was going to suck. [b][i]1 Day Later[/i][/b] Chen walked in through the gates of Konoha and flashed his A.N.B.U. ID to the gate guards. They tried to make friendly banter with him and he ignored them. He headed straight to headquarters and passed by a man in a bear mask. It was Captain Kumogachi, a... boisterous man who was damn good at what he did. Chen despised him with a passion. Last month alone he had tried to set him up on 4 dates and forced him to go out drinking with him once a week. Chen lowered his head, let his hood cover his mask as best as possible, and tried to quickly walk around him. He did not have the time nor patience to deal with him right now, he needed to go chew out that Medic Nin for giving him bad drugs.