[hider=HSS Karl Pilkington] Length-Width-Height 3150m 255m 650m Class: Heavy Battlecruiser Tonnage: 2,100,000 tonnes. [url=http://img12.deviantart.net/a367/i/2015/073/1/1/vaygr_battlecruiser_by_texas_doughnut-d8lo694.png]The Karl Pilkington patrolling a nebula.[/url] [b]PRIMARY ARMAMENT[/b] The Karl Pilkington has 6 spinal railcannons that run 65% the length of the entire ship. The projectiles travel 3.75 kilometers per second and impact with 1.25 kilotons of force each. In addition, it has another large weapon system, eight vertical cruise missile launchers, able to launch with either high-explosive burst warheads, or anti-armor fragmentation warheads. [b]SECONDARY ARMAMENT[/b] In addition to the primary weapon systems, the Karl Pilkington has an array of 32 total anti-fighter/missile laser systems, able to cleave fighters in two, or just ignite a fuel tank. However, while they can fire for long periods, they do need equally long cool-downs. This means that the overall effectiveness of the system may be seriously hindered if a large portion of the PD turrets are destroyed, proportionately much more then similar systems. [b]ARMOR/SHIELDING[/b] The Karl Pilkington has a 22 meter thick steel shell, supplemented at key points (such as the bridge, spinal railgun tubes, cruise missile ports, and the engines) by a carbon nanotube fiber. As well, the bow has been specially reinforced even further. [b]COUNTERMEASURES[/b] The Pilkington is equipped with 48 rapid-fire, high-capacity chaff/flare launchers, in addition to 4 medium-intensity ECM generators. The ECM generators are situated with two near the front, and two near the back, on either side. [b]ENGINES[/b] The ship is powered by 8 ultra-high-heat plasma thrusters, with much smaller, similar units situated around the hull as a dedicated RCS system. Additionally, it has 1 emergency FTL engine, rated for 6 times the speed of light. However, due to FTL technology at such sizes being somewhat underdeveloped at this point in time, it is ONLY for emergency uses. Thus, it is dubbed the "GTFO Drive". [b]REACTORS[/b] The craft is primarily powered by one, heavily reinforced fusion reactor. If that's taken out of commission, it has ultra-high capacity batteries situated all around the main hull to provide peak operating power for 6 days, or 11 if the craft is not taken into a combat zone. [b]CREW[/b] 6,800 crew across the ship. 120 fighter-wing pilots, with 35 'spares'. [b]COMPUTER SYSTEMS[/b] 4 low-cost computer networks manage all automated systems on the ship. Each one can do everything, yet they are specialized to a certain extent, with one being focused on combat, resource management, mobility, and fighter-wing assistance respectively. 1 Backup/Emergency computer system. It has all of the specialist code installed, yet is power-costly to maintain. It can also be used to 'supercharge' the ship in general, but this further increases power consumption, and can cause overloads in some systems. [b]FIGHTER AND BOMBER COMPLEMENT[/b] The Pilkington holds a total of 90 strike craft, 70 one-man medium interceptors, and 20 two-man super-interceptors. The Medium Interceptors, called the 'Ares Type' feature decent maneuverability, but are most focused on speed and weapons load. To that end, they feature high-speed, high maneuverability anti-fighter missiles, two each in 12 tubes. They have enough power to destroy most forms of strikecraft in two to four hits. In addition, they feature two autocannons. The standard colors for the Ares-Type are red, yellow, and white. [url=http://www.hard-light.net/wiki/images/Gtfares.jpg]An Ares-Type.[/url] The Super-heavy Interceptors, called Myrmidons, are superheavy interceptor type craft designed to obliterate enemy bomber squadrons. While slower, they have superior armor and defensive systems to assist in this. As well, they have an extreme amount of firepower, with 20 two-missile anti-fighter missile tubes [i]each[/i], 6 heavy anti-bomber missile tubes, and eight high-explosive torpedo tubes. Finally, they feature four autocannons. Their standard colors are white, blue, and red. [url=http://www.hard-light.net/wiki/images/Gtfmyrmidon.jpg]A Myrmidon.[/url] [/hider]