[center]h e y c a t c h[/center] The first words any one has spoken to Rayn directly. She swallowed nervously catching the dry biscuit careful not to let any crumbs hit the floor. She couldn't muster out any words but smiled a kind thank you. She shuffled her feet looking down at the pale biscuit in her cupped hands like it was some alien object. She broke a hard corner off pressing it to her rose lips at first smelling it...[i]sweet smelling flour[/i]...she put it in her mouth trying to taste the flavor but couldn't make out much more than the smell. She are the rest out of politeness but she wasn't too fond of the flavor, however, it beat her fathers cooking. She decided to venture out like most the others had seeing as the silence in the apartment was almost to painful to bear. She could swear they could hear her thoughts. She returned to her room grabbing a light jacket and slipping on some boots hastily. She looked to the others as she started to the door as if she was going to say something, but she simply walked out the bright sun playing off her fair locks. She held her hand above her brow placing her round sun glasses on to cover her fluorescent blue eyes. She smiled shyly welcoming the crisp air to her tingling skin. This world was so different so many different feelings, sights, and smells. She couldn't help but twirl around light poles and hop between cross walk marks. She never acted this way in front of the others but when she was surrounded by strangers she was as care free as the next guy. She followed her nose to the sweet scents of the coffee shop. She didn't even pay attention to Carter and Asa's presence, not at first anyway. She stepped lightly on tip toes, like a graceful ballerina between each crack in the pavement. She spun lightly her jacket flying up only slightly. Then she had spot them only feet away from her. She stopped dead in her movements pushing her hands in her pockets holding her jacket in place, but her hair still dancing in the wind. She looked down at her feet as if telling them mentally to never move again, but she desperately wished her power was to disappear.