[center][img]http://i302.photobucket.com/albums/nn104/Mountain_Rose/SistersOfDunwal_zpsqoo9clob.jpg[/img][/center] [center][i]In times such as these, a lady must know how to defend herself.[/i][/center] "No! Leave me alone!" A distinctly feminine voice shrieked from a darkened alleyway. "Release me!" The victim was a pretty thing; with long, glossy sable hair; a nearly flawless blushed ivory complexion; a dainty upturned nose; full pouting lips; and the most vivid cerulean eyes...surrounded by deep, dark, thick eyelashes. She wore a simple cotton dress, one that was pulled on like a coat and buttoned down the front, but the top two buttons had appeared to be cut off, leaving the garment to fall open quite revealingly. It was no wonder she was seen as a target. None would assume such a small thing could fend for herself in this city. "Help! Please help!" The young woman cried. Her attacker was slender in stature, but solid...toned. Dressed head to toe in black, from a cotton mask which only revealed the eyes, to calf high, black leather boots. Perhaps a young adolescent male? The assailant's black, leather gloved hand was wrapped about the woman's throat, and a wicked looking blade was pressed against the apex of her fear labored bosom. "Give me your money." The voice beneath the mask sounded strained, forced. Seemingly unbeknownst to the young woman's attacker, someone was crouched atop the roof of the dilapidated building opposite the woman and her assailant. Whomever they were, they were statuesque, still to the point that one might overlook them should they not have a trained eye, and a suspicious nature. In the shadow of twilight, however, the figure remained well concealed, cloaked in darkness, and bathed in ebony. It was in that very moment that another young woman, a passer-by, heard the wailing of the victim, and without hesitation...she ran across the street, toward the alley. The slip of a woman, was loud in her approach and deceptively clumsy, so the assailant made little effort in deflecting the small fist that came toward it's shoulder. With one outstretched arm, the attacker pushed the valiant lady to the stone street, turning their attention back to their captive. "Money!" The assailant demanded once more in a masked voice. The victim flinched noticeably, turning her face away from her attacker...and began to weep.