The schoolhouse has stood since before you were born, since before even the oldest person in the village was born, and it's here in its single room that every child allowed by their parents has learned about the history and scientific knowledge of The Valley. The room itself is quaint, to say the least, little more than desks and shelves of books, though a curtain in the back leads to the small room where Morgia Thatch, and other teachers before her, would stay overnight in the event of a storm or similar danger. The entire place is surrounded by an old fence (best not to lean on it -- the wood has gone soft and wouldn't support a bird) and all is bare except for the dust road leading to the backyard, where grass no longer grows after generations of play. Behind that, across the fence, are The Big Rocks, a group of large toppled stones, some placed precariously on top of one another. A deathly chill is in the air around it, felt even from across the fence if you're close enough, and in the mornings there is even frost clinging to them.