Nurian pulled himself up off the ground dusting himself off, pieces of debris falling around him. he checks himself over and realizes that he is unharmed. his armor and shield are battered in the fight with the traitor arbites and his suicide vest. Nurian kneels down and begins to check over the Mastiff, which is only somewhat damaged from the explosion. While functional it should receive some blessings by a techpriest. he hears a new voice behind him, apparently a man named Stukov. While Nurian does not feel as though he belongs to this unit yet he decides that he should try and learn as much as he can about.. whatever it is that is going on. Nurian walks over just as the woman produces an object and says "We found this." its eye opens and twitches and looks around it and for a moment, perhaps, it locks its gaze onto Nurian before focusing on the others. for that fraction of a moment Nurian feels as though he looked into the deepest space of the Immaterium. 'by the Emperor' he whispers to himself as he gazes at the Artifact of Chaos. after this first fraction of a second he feels an impossible sense of safety that Nurian immediately suppresses knowing that it must be wytchcraft. the Psyker says "its steeped in warp power" and Nurian looks at her with two thoughts in his head, the first was 'Well obviously, anyone can see that' followed by 'that amulet is being carried by a Psyker' She begins to explain something about the amulet but Nurian stopped listening as he tries to work out what should be done next. his first instinct was to bash the Psyker over the head and smash the amulet to pieces. when he served with the Ordo Hereticus that would have been his directive, to kill all those touched by Chaos and destroy all trace. although he senses that killing the psyker might not be the best course of action. then something strange happened and the psyker looked dazed. Nurian tightened his grip on the power maul ready for if the psyker was taken by the warp. She seemed to return and looked at the inquisitor asking him "would you like to hold it?" Nurian pushed the rune on his power maul charging it once again "[b]Psyker Witch![/b]" he says lowering himself ready to fight. The only thought in his head was to prevent corruption by chaos, it seemed at though the woman was being influenced by the medallion. thus, it followed that she must be killed and the thing be destroyed utterly. although before he strikes the psyker down he hesitates, realizing that it's possible they know how to deal with this.