Russ swears as his helmeted head smacks against the hard metal wall of the transport, he rubs at the spot on his helmet absently as their craft is buffeted by harsh air currents and the nearby strikes of anti-air fire. He looks around at his assembled comrades for a moment a grin unseen beneath the impassive mask that is his helmet. He raps his fist on his chest once to acknowledge the Boss's orders shaking his head as she leaps. She always has to lead the way. He moves quickly after she leaps feeling the pressure of the whistling air even through his thick plated armour. He turns to face those still in the dropship, his comm crackling as it comes to life. "Don't melt in all this heat Snowflake, once i win all the glory the bar tab is on you after this. I'll see the rest of you on the ground, don't be surprised if the battle is over." He chuckles lowly and leaps backwards out of the dropship, his jetpack blazing momentarily throwing him away from the plummeting death ship. If it goes up at least he will be clear of the shrapnel field now. He rolls over as he plummets uncontrolled through the air, a turbolaser near scoring his armour as a dropship far above him bursts into flames. His eyes track his chronometer with intense concentration waiting for the perfect moment to deploy. There! His jetpack flares the hard thrust of the jets slowing his descent as the canopy of the trees rushes up to meet him. The branches screeches along his armour, whipping at the polished plates buffeting the meat inside. He hits the ground hard and comes up in a roll his pistol almost seeming to leap from it's holster into his waiting hand. His eyes scan the dark waiting forest carefully, his ears straining to hear the sound of boots rushing through the undergrowth over the more distant sounds of battle. He stands to his full height carefully, he brushes at some of the dirt and twigs attached to his armour before his hand comes to a rest on the hilt of his vibroblade. He begins to move quickly through the dense shrub, his lithe body sliding easily through the trees. Surprisingly quiet for a large armored body. "This is Mynock four, on the move. About one and a half klicks from your position. ETA six minutes."