Adrianne would turn to look towards the battle-readied arbite whom now faced her with a threatening posture, holding his maul and shield ready for action. Though her face was covered by her skeletal helmet, the psyker did not seem too surprised by the man's sudden behavior, as she casually closed her hand around the medallion. “Eight seconds Arbiter, I do not miss with my shots… ” "Calm yourself, sister. This man will not attack." Adrianne spoke with a calm voice as her servo-skull suddenly hovered up next to her, a strange, metallic bag adorned with mythical runes hanging under it. Reaching up to grab the metallic bag, Adrianne would hold the medallion over it, causing a sudden increase in the medallion's bizarre aura among anyone who stood around; before it faded almost completely as the medallion was dropped into the metal bag and Adrianne closed the zipper. Hanging the back back up on a small hook beneath the servo skull, the skull would drift a couple of feet away as Adrianne finally turned her full attention towards Nurian, the psyker now facing him. Moving a hand up to the side of her helmet, she would suddenly depressurize it and remove the skeletal helmet with a click, letting her long, silk white hair flow freely down her back. Staring at Nurian with a set of deep, purple eyes, a small yet friendly smile would form across the lips of the pale skinned woman. "My name is Adrianne Valenthin, sanctioned psyker of the Imperium. I am the Inquisitor's aide in dealing with matters that go beyond the physical world." She would speak with a soft voice, before motioning towards the servo-skull hovering about with the bag containing the medallion. "This is not the first cursed artifact I have dealt with, nor do I suspect it would be the last. My mission here is to find, recover and possibly destroy any such items I come across, and I fear this world will keep me busy for quite a while." Giving Nurian a friendly nod, Adrianne would then turn to Zhevon standing next to her. "The newcomer's sensitivity towards warp touched artifacts is a good indication that he will make a viable addition to our Inquisitorial cohort. His piety will be useful for rooting out the followers of chaos on this world."