The Sister of battle was a surprise to Nurian, he stared down the barrel of the bolter. a shot from this range would surely kill him, he condiders his options for a moment knowing he would surely die to protect the Imperium from the corruption. Nurian's distrust of the psyker and the object ran deep. allowing the taint of chaos to spread would surely be disastrous. then the Psyker speaks "Calm yourself sister, this man will not attack." she put the medallion into a bag which seemed to contain the warp energies. she removes her mask and looks at him with white hair and what seemed to be the purple eyes of cadia. she smiles at Nurian, which was a surprise because he was nearly ready to bash her skull in. he lowers his weapons and deactivates the maul. "My name is Adrianne Valenthin, sanctioned psyker of the Imperium. I am the Inquisitor's aide in dealing with matters that go beyond the physical world." she says as he clips the maul into its holster. "This is not the first cursed artifact I have dealt with, nor do I suspect it would be the last. My mission here is to find, recover and possibly destroy any such items I come across, and I fear this world will keep me busy for quite a while." she then says something to the inquisitor. Nurian looks at her somewhat annoyed, but decides perhaps she is more of a psyker than those he had to fight before. "my apologies Adrianne, I served with the Ordo Hereticus years ago. I have had to kill psykers because of artifacts like that, and i have seen the damage they have wrought when we failed. First hand... by the Emperor." Nurian says thinking back to the pitched battles against cultists and their sorcererous psykers. as the thought runs through his head he feels a tingle go up his spine, a reaction to the horror of war with chaos. "i dont know about being sensitive to them my only goal is to protect the Imperium and its loyal subjects."