Stukov found himself with his autogun trained on the Arbites fellow the moment he seemed to react rather violently to Smiles and the amulet she produced. Yes, the thing reeked of Slaaneshi influence and it was giving him a terrible headache as he shut out those thoughts to the best of his ability. He was getting [i]really[/i] tired of every single new person training weapons on original, standing members of the retinue and acting like they were the only ones smart and experienced enough to understand the danger the warp, and its artifacts posed. Stukov's knee jerk reaction to such artifacts were, yes, to destroy them. But in this case, the item might prove useful in tracking down the main, greatest threat on this planet towards the Emperor fearing civilians and soldiers on this planet. The headache wasn't helping, so he was thankful for the fact that Smiles had a bag to drop the warp tainted charm into, although the burst of intense warp energy from its full exposure amplified his headache before it faded as the item was cut off from interaction with surrounding people. Sis also had her bolter on the Arbites before he stood down, and Stukov lowered the autogun and took a stance indicating he was keeping an eye on the surroundings, scanning for any trouble coming since that medallion was exposed. He finally gave himself a chance to respond to prior comments, and he shrugged briefly. [color=9e0b0f]"Weathered is one way to put it Smiles, you had places to be so don't concern yourself on running too much. I'm still alive, thankfully. And I don't think we've met yet either, Enforcer, Bark. Armsman Stukov, well former Armsman, now with the Boss over there for better or worse."[/color] Leave it to the armsman to already assign ever so informative and original nicknames to the Arbitrator and his metal hound. Keeping an eye on Smiles as she removed her helmet and spoke to Boss, and smirked at her statement on his sensitivity towards the warp artifacts and general piety. He made an offhand comment on that, from what he had seen of Arbites during times when select crew were given the luxury of planet side exploration and wandering, usually as bodyguards of lower ranking Naval officers. [color=9e0b0f]"Pious or no, Arbites typically aren't ones to bend or bow in the face of any violation of their Laws. Unluckily for the warp spawned abominations, they are in violation of such things, far as I understand it. And are, you know, warp spawned abominations."[/color] Stukov was thankful for the fact the headache faded, and he had all but written it off as a side effect of getting tossed around again. Granted, this time by explosive ordinance strapped to a suicidal corrupt Arbitrator instead of warp travel, shockwaves, and gravity wells in corridors. This had been one extremely long day, to put it mildly, and was not looking like it was going to get any shorter. They were going to have to figure out this medallion, and the source of the medallion. As in its master on this planet, rather than its origins which were seeped in the Warp, the effect the thing had was obvious of that much. He had a thought, considering the medallion, and where they found it, and mentioned it to the group, coughing before he spoke and scanning the surroundings as he spoke rather than focus on any one single person. [color=9e0b0f]"Any idea if this brothel is part of a chain owned by one main figure? Might find some clues in that case. If it's stand alone, hmm, perhaps check financial backing? Nothing is free, after all. How about you, Enforcer, if your done menacing things for the moment, got any ideas in that particular train of thought?"[/color]