As the tension begins to ease Nurian begins to rub the back of his head where a mild ache had developed. He lied to himself that it was just from the blast. Stukov was talking about warp abominations but there was a nagging feeling, something Nurian had forgotten. He clenched his teeth forcing the the wild warp induced thoughts out of his mind. While he had no formal training In resisting the warp he had some innate resistance to it, or just the mind of a veteran haunted by his own horrors, he was never sure. Then stukov asked "Any idea if this brothel is part of a chain owned by one main figure? Might find some clues in that case. If it's stand alone, hmm, perhaps check financial backing? Nothing is free, after all. How about you, Enforcer, if your done menacing things for the moment, got any ideas in that particular train of thought?" Nurian smiled, this was more up his alley. Law and order, investigations something he was actually trained in. "Well, it's hard to say. Many clues are being burned as we speak" he says motioning to the fire. "Checking the finances and if it's a chain is a good idea. But it might be an isolated incident, the brothel may have nothing to do with it. Although it may be prudent to interrogate each of the whores and customers if we can. But we need to know more.." He turns to the Psyker. "How did you find it? Was it in the open on the manager's desk? Or well concealed in one of the brothels rented rooms?"