[center][img]http://fontmeme.com/newcreate.php?text=Faith%20Elise%20Mackenzie&name=Across%20the%20Road.ttf&size=80&style_color=FF0000[/img][/center] Faith lay on the bed in her cell with her arms under her head and stared up at the ceiling lost in her own daily musings. Since being captured she had settled into a steady routine, or as much of a routing as someone like Faith could have, which mostly consisted doing nothing in the middle of the day and being difficult when it came to testing etc. Of course 'being difficult' was what the lab people used as well as Dr Fisher but Faith just didn't like being tested and she made no attempt to hide it. This usually resulted in some form of discipline which only served to anger her further, they hadn't yet reached a solution and Faith would be just as happy if they never did. She hadn't chosen to be here, most definitely did not want to be here and so she wasn't about to make things easy on them. Especially since they controlled her with that damned thing in her and if there was one thing bound to piss her off it was someone else being in control. She heard Fisher's voice and his cane tapping on the glass but she ignored it. This animal was not going to behave for anyone wanting to gawk at her, if they wanted her to do something then they could just as well open the door and let her out. A moment later the door opened and Faith raised her eyebrows, clearly someone up there was listening and had decided to help her out, though it decades too late as far as she was concerned. She stood and straightened her long flowing skirt and vest before padding towards the door. She had boots but chose not to wear them, in this concrete prison she preferred to be as close to the earth as possible. It was hard enough tapping the line here without any more restrictions. She could feel the line, humming along her skin, but it was a distance away and so made things more difficult. She wondered if that was just coincidence or something more, if she had been at full strength she might well have blasted the place up, control thing or not. "Feeding time at the Zoo?" She drawled as she entered the corridor. "Oh wait, we got us here another visitor. Come to lookit us Freaks. Cher be a darlin and move along, it ain't Carnival yet." She spoke flatly as though she actually didn't really care either way and in truth she felt only the mildest of irritations, fleeting as a fly landing on you before vanishing just as quickly. But that didn't mean it wouldn't build into something more very fast if she wasn't listened to.