[hider=Roxas] *Name: Roxas *Universe: Kingdom Hearts *Appearance: [url=http://orig04.deviantart.net/a504/f/2014/042/5/c/confession__roxas_kh_x_reader__by_ria_sora27-d713ihn.jpg]The Key of Destiny, man[/url] *Personality: Roxas, much like his 'real' counterpart, Sora, is a nice young lad, caring for his friends and willing to help someone out of a situation. Although he'd rather not have anything to do with the Keyblade, he'll use it if it's to protect his friends. While normally calm and somewhat logical, he's also prone to anger, making him somewhat easy to rile up. He can become somewhat cocky in battle, too, especially if he maintains the upper hand. *Powers/Skills: -A wielder of the Keyblade, unique in that he's able to summon two of them at once. The Keyblades themselves are deceptively sharp, capable of opening almost any lock (physical and magical), and will always return to the hand of the wielder, making theft impossible. Also, they can be dismissed and recalled as necessary. -Roxas also wields the "Light" element, allowing him to shoot blasts of 'light-element' damage. This is also utilised as pillars of light, firing from the sky. -Roxas is a skilled fighter, with a balanced fighting style - or swift and brutal, should he opt to dual-wield. Compared to a normal human, his durability is surprisingly high, and can perform very short bursts of speed, useful for flanking or pursuing an enemy. A notable weakness of Roxas' fighting style, is that he tends to abandon all forms of defense, focusing solely on brute force. *Brief Bio: The Nobody of Sora, who once fought for Organisation XIII as the 13th member. After a year of this, he fled the group, then was defeated in battle by someone and placed in a virtual world with his memories erased. However, an old friend from the Organisation managed to find him, attempting to retrieve him. This slowly began to awaken his memories of his past, and combined with his rage over being treated as a fake being, brought him to the location of Sora, his other half. Reluctantly accepting his fate, Roxas merged with once more, though still managed to return for a final battle against Sora. The result of which allowed Roxas to fully merge with him, satisfied. Timeline-wise, Roxas is plucked from after the events of KH2, somehow a separate being once more. *Equipment: -[url=http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/kingdomhearts/images/3/30/Kingdom_Key_KH.png/revision/20100112032958]Kingdom Key[/url], used for his 'balanced' style. -[url=http://www.trendingpod.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/Oathkeeper_KH.png]Oathkeeper[/url] and [url=http://g01.a.alicdn.com/kf/UT8g1iCXoJcXXagOFbXh/117888686/UT8g1iCXoJcXXagOFbXh.jpg]Oblivion[/url], both used when he dual-wields. *Others: Roxas can also traverse Corridors of Darkness to essentially teleport to other locations. Since I don't know if that's something he could still do at this point, as well as lacking protection from the Darkness, and the potential issues of teleporting around in general, I'll be leaving that out. [/hider]