Name: Lyla, Now known as Captain Fang Crew or regular person: Captain of the Black titan History (6 sentences): She was once a Princess of England, but finding life unbearly awful and dull she ran away at the age of five and come across a group of strange man. The captain of the time was named Fang of the wolf, she asked if she could live aomg the people she had found. The captain was unsure but after seeing she wouldn't leave he smiled and agreed to allow her become part of the group. She was a fast learner, a quite one as well only people she ever talk to was The captain . At the age of eighteen the karken had attacked the Black titan and killed the Captain she called her father. the captain had taught her everything and now he was dead. She avenged him by killing the karken and watching it bleed and sink to the bottom of the ocean. From that day form the ship had died along with the crew she had fcalled her family. Aklone and bitter her own story was gone...till recently. She jhoisted the flags of the Black titan and now it sailed once more but now she docked of a small village in hopes of finding a worthy crew. Personality: The girl with the eye of atiger and a soul of a dragon and the legs of a cheetah and a mind of adolphin. She is the hardest person to figure out. She never seems to care much for the group un till she allows her crew to show her they are worthy of her care and love. She isn;t afraid ot feeding people to sharks and animals if they disobey. She even seens to have a dark and nasty streak to her. Its unknown her age but many say she is ageless the reasoning behind it was lost in history. Picture : [img][/img] Name Cren Nightwood Age : 32 Part of the crew : cannon control Personality : rough around the edges but a very noble man when yo get to know him. History : show in the RP [URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL] Name : Vessia Age : 32 Rank : Cook Personality : love the sense of being wild and free and kind and sweet person. But she knows how to fight and act5s like a big sister to a lot of people. Histiry : IN the RP [img][/img]