[img]https://scontent-gru1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xlf1/v/t1.0-9/11230720_893361720750890_4538918442959615290_n.jpg?oh=5b87e6d8299a51360c3d30c91c886a62&oe=565EE0FD[/img] Name: Abmenaj (Janemba backwards xD) Title: nope Age: Uknown Race: Demon Family: Nope Bio:Abmenaj was born at the samme time as Janemba during the soul cleansing machine accident but did not take part in the fight. Enma Daiƍ noticed Abmenaj was not evil and so let her roam in the living world Personality: Although not evil Abmenaj can be quite gloomy and sometimes creepy often scearing children without wanting too Likes: Silence, sleeping and stalking people, she finds humans extremely interesting Dislike: Fighting, loud people. Abilities/techniques: -Just as Janemba Abmenaj has a great strenght and speed altought her petite body doesn't show it -As most fighters she is able to sense other's Ki and control her own for flying or shooting ki blasts. -Demon blast: Similar to kamehameha but used with only one hand and it's color is purple, she can make it change it's direction and attack the enemy from behind -Twin demon blast: Two demon blasts at the same time -Death Finger: A thin, very fast and concentrated laser-like beam of ki from her index finger, which barrels down and pierces through the opponent. The user is able to fire the attack very quickly, while maintaining precise aim [hider=Transformations:Super Abmenaj] [img]http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/fireemblem/images/c/c1/Shara_portrait.png/revision/latest?cb=20150627003154[/img] The real strenght of this transformation is unknwon as Abmenaj never used it [/hider] Master: Nope, just as Janemba, Abmenaj is a natural figther Other: -She has no need of eating nor drinking -Her Ki color is purple