Twi Sat up at the brushing off of her condition that, to be fair, was a drug withdrawal. But more so at the fact that she could hear some bitch telling her to meditate and that she'd probably just do drugs again and go through it all over. If she didn't have to stop doing the drugs none of this would happen. Why would she ever stop when they're the only thing preventing her from being this physical ill. "If Durza were here.." Twi mumbled in her voice, it was shaky and she was now visibly very cold. She had curled her body into a ball and was rubbing her hands on her arms trying to warm up. "Treba is gonna come get me and when they're here I..." She said another incomplete sentence. "If..." The one next to her's voice finally registered in her mind. Did the one she kidnapped not tell her who she was? Aha! Another angle to lie about. "I.. I just knew you were guardians from - from the air a-" She shivered and took a quick loud inhale "b-b-bout you." She stumbled to the corner of her cell to where she could reach around the corner into Alex's. She had no idea who was on the other side, just that she was trying to break down walls unsuccesfully. "I was looking for you.. with gifts. I can make you st-stronger." Which in fact, weirdly enough, was only half a lie. Twi had the ability to do just that, but not without her belongings, and more importantly, not while in the state she was currently in. She reached her hand around the cage door and into the corner of Alex's cell. She moved he fingers in a way that conveyed she was to take Twi's hand (which was now clean). It wasn't a friendly kind of finger wave. It was a finger wave that one usually gave to a potential suitor before they went into a room alone. It was amazing how well she could communicate this way with only the movement of her hand and fingers. "I can do much more for you, more than that Urick fellow for that matter." She giggled. What Alex couldn't see was the drained husk of a woman on the other side of the wall. Her face conveyed pain, her breathing was quick but hushed now. The little giggle obviously pained the girls as she clenched her teeth and shut her eyes tightly, almost as tightly as she wrapped her free hand around her rib cage as she tried not to cough. "You just... Have to trust me. You can do that for me, yes?" She hoped for god's sake this woman wasn't a prude or anything of that matter. She danced her fingers around the small corner she could reach, dragging them on the floor, beckoning for Alex to come to her. It was a trick she had learned from her years doing the less than desirable task of using men for profit. She moaned a bit at this moment, very sensually. Her face and body still showing almost every sign of extreme pain and discomfort, but all that she needed to look good was that hand and fingers. "When we get out of here, I can show you a whole new world... Alex was it? Such a pretty name, I'd love to learn if the face is pretty to match. But that's not the only beautiful thing I'd want to see on you, but I'm getting ahead of myself.." She moaned once more, her fingers now mimicking a dance on the ground. All this show, simply so that she could either A.) Disrupt that bitch who told her to change her life's meditation session, B.) get in good with a member of this group and escape, or C.) maybe find a new member of the poachers. Obviously this girl had no regard for the law since she just assaulted a man in the streets. She would hopefully accomplish all three, but hey, if this didn't work she had one last resort. The reason Treba and Durza haven't ditched her. The reason they haven't been caught, why they have never been killed. Hell, why she acted as a boss to the two at times. And that something wasn't magic, no. It was more than that. Less than that. It was all that magic could be but never was. And she could hold it above the heads of anyone in this room right now and they'd be in awe. Too bad it was confiscated at the moment. "So my dear. Take my hand so I know you believe me..."