Naomi looked over to Carl as he introduced himself, finally biting onto her candy, the crunching echoing in her mind. She took the naked stick from her mouth, bending the thick paper in half as she finished chewing on the remainder of her cherry flavored candy. "Naomi," she finally turned to Sora, her green eyes studying the girl carefully. She was curious about the stranger, just as she was about Carl. Two people that she could eventually find some sort of companionship with - but that wasn't an option. Constant reminders to herself. She was staying temporarily, just like every place she found herself at. No place is home, it didn't exist. Though, her mind often wandered to the constant foster homes, The people she met, the darkness that followed. The Shadows. The Shadows seemed to swarm her whenever she lost herself in her mind. Maybe they wanted her to lose herself in her warped mind. Sink low into the Darkness, and forget reality. After all, what has reality ever done for her? The only good thing out of her few dark years, is having the realization that there is no true good in the world. "...the game will become a larger player in our life no?" Carl's voice brought her back to the school, in the courtyard on the bench - reality. "Game?" She asked, running her fingers through her hair. "Isn't life just one messed up game?" She shook her head, chewing on her lip as if lost in her mind again. She sighed quietly, looking at the crowd in the distance, wondering when she'd be able to add a new chapter to her haunting book.