[quote=@Cold Hands] I'm very interested in this but I might get lost in the logistics sense of this so I will try my best in trying to form a descent sheet. I am curious though in one thing. Would it be plausible to play something like faction of the Black Sun? Since I believe they were still around, my Star Wars lore is lacking at the moment, but otherwise I'd like to go for an Imperial faction. [/quote] You can always pick up a pirate or mercenary faction, but these will always be smaller than an Imperial warlord or Rebel general's forces/holdings. [quote=@Sigma] Seeing as we're getting, or will be getting a few imperial splinter factions. Think I may go for an Independent route. A Warlord who seized the opportunity in the chaos. [/quote] Not all Imperial factions are aligned or alied. There are those who want to safeguard their sectors and build up their own power to make a bid for the throne, others who'll go rogue and cut off their own slice off the Galaxy to rule. Think of the diadoch generals after Alexander the Great's death, or the warlordism of the late Roman Republic.