Zhevon looked around and checked on the status of everyone. The new arrival, Echo appeared to be fine, while his Mastiff only suffered minor damage. Stukov appeared less than healthy, but still alive, hopping through a window of the brothel. He made mention of a piece of debris that had nearly killed him, his armor saving him. [b]"Thanks, I'm fine."[/b] Adrianne reported, getting up and dusting herself off. [b]"Inquisitor, you shouldn't have... I mean, if we were to lose you, it would,- "[/b] She was interrupted by Stukov, saying that she had found something in the Brothel. Zhevon had an eyebrow raised, having nothing to say to Adrianne. The object she found was more concerning. When she pulled the medallion out, its singular eye fixated at the Inquisitor. Zhevon narrowed his eyes. He had seen his fair share of Chaos artifacts, and he was seen another like this one before, years ago, before he was an Inquisitor. The more they looked at each other the more Zhevon found his mind wandering, the Medallion casting its shadow over Zhevon, who was attempting to remember the shape and make of the artifact he had seen before. In seconds he Zhevon found himself thinking about thoughts and feelings he had cast aside for duty and training. When Adrianne covered the eye, Zhevon felt a pain in his chest, similar to a man losing his first love. But he knew better, and mentally thanked his Psyker. He cleared his throat quietly as Adrianne began to explain the medallions purpose. [b]"Do you wish to hold it?"[/b] She asked, Zhevon shook his head, [b]"I'd rather not. The last time I held an artifact like that, I found myself in a spot of trouble, to which even today I am feeling the effects of."[/b] The gears of his mind began to churn, when Aviza landed the Valkyrie and appeared. The instant she saw the metal object, she looked at Adrianne. [b]"That artifact must be covered at all times or destroyed Adrainne. We may have just given ourselves away to the forces of Chaos Adrianne. If we have made such a mistake, this world will burn and countless lives and souls will be lost in their wake as they search for us."[/b] She turned to Zhevon, [b]“We have to rid ourselves of this artifact as soon as possible, this simple medallion could quite literally cause untold amounts of death and suffering on a scale of which even generations of the yet unborn will cry out in anguish for all eternity.” [/b] Zhevon rubbed the side of his helmet through his hood, [b]"I know what these artifacts are capable of, but... If wha-"[/b] [b]"Psyker witch!"[/b] Echo yelled out, now in a combat stance. Zhevon was prepared to explain that Adrianne was in his retinue, but Aviza was quicker. Essentially explaining what he was about to explain, albeit with an additional threat at the end of the explanation. Before Echo could could charge or stand down, Adrianne deescalated the situation. Placing the medallion in a containment bag and introducing herself. She then turned to Zhevon, [b]"The newcomer's sensitivity towards warp touched artifacts is a good indication that he will make a viable addition to our Inquisitorial cohort. His piety will be useful for rooting out the followers of chaos on this world."[/b] Zhevon nodded in agreement, [b]"Actually I was going to let him in because he has a maul. I've always wanted to try one of those."[/b] When Stukov spoke up about the possible leads that could be found by investigating the Brothel, Zhevon contacted Alpha. Who made him wait several minutes. Then he spoke into everyone's voxes, including the newcomers, Echo's vox. [b]"Heard you guys had a new arrival, an Echo Nurian. Welcome to the team, don't die. Now then, I've been working on trying to dig up some intel on this brothel. Unfortunately the guy has covered his tracks very well, if there have been any tracks. Everything appears fairly normal, sales, marketing, whatever. Now the owner, a 'Tortus Abajian', does not exist. This Tortus character owns this brothel, and a few other miscellaneous stores. A small shop, a gift store, a few others. He also owns a medium sized factory producing and assembling boxed breakfast, lunch and dinners. I've had a few from this factory before, and they check out. 100% Imperium authorized food, no poisons, no nothing. I know because I'm not dead yet, and I've did a few blood tests when I found out. I'll have a map compiled and prepped for your guys' review when you get back to a safehouse. Now, I can only do so much at the front of a cogitator. Like Mr. Nurian said, I can pull up a list of workers and customers from the brothel and question them to see if we can get anything from that, while you guys check out these other places that this Tortus guy is owning."[/b] Zhevon nodded and spoke up after Alpha, [b]"Since we're doing updates, I've made a few calls about our big Daemon problem. Right now there are three regiments of Guard fighting an Ork Waaagh on an Agriworld about two systems over. They're assisted by two companies of Space Marines, whom I've called over before we landed on here. The rest of their Chapter is en-route now, with an additional five regiments of Imperial Guard. Captain Horner called his old Battlefleet and convinced the Lord Admiral to move a battlegroup of ships closer to Friere II just in case."[/b] [b]"Also thought you might want to know, Inquisitor Cattleya has arrived and is currently assisting Gregor in the north islands investigation. She sends her regards."[/b] Alpha added, [b]"...Ah. Yeah, that too."[/b] Zhevon meekly replied, looking at the ground. He almost heard his grin. He cleared his throat, getting his more authoritative voice going, [b]"Let's hit the factory first. Bigger target means bigger rewards, mount up!"[/b] He said, briskly walking to the Valkyrie and stepping onto it.