Aryon Lex - Gentleman Psyker - Flagg [hider=Aryon Lex, Gentleman of Fortune] [b]Name:[/b] Aryon Lex [b]Age:[/b] 80, looks 40 thanks to juvenat work [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Appearance:[/b] A handsome, well-groomed man of average height and build, with sharp green eyes and black hair starting to grey at the temples, with a trim goatee. Wears expensive, well-cut suits in the Gudrun style, usually crimson or dark blue, with a matching ascot. Lex can usually be seen with a drink in hand and/or smoking a lho-stick. [b]Personality:[/b] Elegant and affected, Lex is a man of culture and learning, with a quick wit and slightly blasphemous sense of humor. His somewhat over-the-top politesse masks a calculating mind. [b]History:[/b] [hider=A Little History] Born on the obscure Imperial frontier world of Rylo II, to a wealthy family of Grox-ranchers, Lex's youth was one of restless boredom with his provincial setting and fascination with broader Imperial culture and learning. In this he was somewhat discouraged by his parents, who resented Imperial taxes and the depredations of a Guard base near several of their grox-ranches. Aryon Lex discovered his latent psychic talents early, when he caused a charging grox to not only back down, but turn and defend him against several of the other cantankerous lizards in the pen he had accidentally fallen into. Lex's family knew enough to hide him from the Imperial and ecclesiarchy authorities as best they could, which on a rural frontier world turned out to be not incredibly difficult. Lex's life changed irrevocably on his thirteenth year, when Rylo II came under attack from the sky. Giant rocks fell burning from heaven, and hulking xenos monsters flooded the world. Aryon Lex barely escaped in a grox-shipping lifter and a mass-hauling conveyance that fled the crude xenos fleet. His life since has been one on the margins of Imperial society, plying his psychic gifts as a private investigator, augur, and fixer in the service of crimelords, the rich and mighty (including several prelates of the Church), smugglers and pirates, and the occasional petty cultist. Mentored by other unsanctioned psykers operating in the shadows of the Imperium, Lex makes up for in street-smarts and cunning what he lacks in formal training, and has so far managed to stay one step ahead of the agents of the Holy Ordos. Why Lex came to Outpost 57 is a bit of a mystery- it has something to do with a botched job on Gudrun. Whatever happened there, the psyker wishes to disappear off the Imperial grid, and has come to Outpost 57 looking to take up with a Rogue Trader. [/hider] [b]Skills:[/b] Lex is a psyker of considerable power, of Delta designation at least. In particular, he is a skilled telepath and telekine. [url=]link[/url] [b]Equipment:[/b] Custom hellpistol, and a valise containing various specialized psyker equipment, including a tome on hexagrammic warding, and a psyocculum in the form of a signet ring. [/hider]