[center] [img] http://newsmedia.buzzbuzzhome.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/Manhattan-1947.png [/img] [/center] [center] [h1] [b]BANG![/b] [/h1] [/center] A silver bullet burst forth from one of the surrounding skyscrapers, ripping through the air and tearing towards Ameilkas. A ripple of searing pain shrieked through her body, snapping and cracking at her senses, as the projectile tore through her shoulder, erupting in a sickly smattering of dark blood, painted black in the moonlight. The She-wolf gritted her teeth, letting out a guttural snarl as gore trickled over her fur, staining her white pelt red. All around her, the pack let out a booming wail, frothing viciously at the mouth as their eyes snapped up to the great glass skyscraper. Ameilkas sniffed at the air, catching a strong whiff of feral scent on the nigh time wind. She let out a strained grin [b]“At least –THIS- outcast has made something of himself.”[/b] she laughed. The Den-Mother craned her neck, turning to address her brothers and sisters. [b]“So the little lost lamb has come wading blindly into the stream of [color=ed1c24]blood[/color]?!”[/b] She bellowed [b]“Run with me now, my fellow hunters! Let us show this city-rat why sheep do not play with wolves!”[/b] A collective howl of bloodlust shook through the pack, and then they were bolting across the courtyard, stomping over smashed cars and over-turned rubbish tips, ripping through the night with monstrous speed. They bounded up the towering expanse of the skyscraper, working their way up winding staircases and empty elevator shafts, leaping from floor to floor with untamed ferocity. Ameilkas stooped to take a whiff of the polluted air. [i][b]The pup is close[/b][/i]. [b]“Rejoice!” [/b]She called out to her unseen prey [b]"The Den Mother has come to speed you on to the long sleep. You will be rid of your troubles soon.” [/b] The Fourth floor was near. It would not be long until they were upon their attackers.