Name: Mikael Traven Age: 19 Home world: Otherworld Race: Human Gender: Male Appearance: [hider=My Hider] [img][/img] [/hider] Physicality: Mikael is fairly average in his build; he isn't weak but he isn't particularly strong. He much prefers the pursuits of the mind over those of the body, though he recognizes a need to stay in somewhat good shape. He has some notable magical ability and can use a sword (though he generally doesn't) Personality: Mikael is very interested in anything new, though he generally can keep his head in such situations. He is typically polite to those around him unless they have lost his respect in some way. He is rather naive and assumes most people are worthy of his respect until proven otherwise. He enjoys reading, writing and music. History: Mikael Traven was born to Adir Traven and Myra Peace Traven. They were relatively minor nobles, owning a (relatively) small amount of land. Adir wanted all of his sons to become knights but Mikael had never had much interest in doing so and wanted to learn magic. He protested much against his father's wishes, eventually simply leaving when he was fifteen. He took a horse, sword and what he determined to be enough money to find someone to teach him. After two weeks of searching and working for food Mikael heard about a mage that might be willing to take on a student who lived a ways out of the city he was in at the time. Mikael went to where he was told to go and found a fairly innocuous cottage. He went up to the door and knocked. The door was opened by a middle-aged man. “What are you doing here, young man?” he asked. Mikael looked right into his eyes, “I'm here to learn the ways of magic, sir.” The man tilted his head, “What makes you think I know anything about magic?” “I've been searching for two weeks to find someone who can teach me and I heard that you can.” The man rubbed his chin thoughtfully, “Two weeks, hmm? Not that long to be searching... where did you come from?” Mikael looked a bit confused in the change in tone, “I came from my father's house, he owns some land.” “How much land?” “Uh, three acres of land.” The man nodded, “More land than most people...” he looked at Mikael for a few moments, “Very well, I'll take you in; however if I find that you cannot, or will not, take the responsibilities of a mage seriously, then I will not teach you.” So Mikael became a student of the man, whose name he found was Demir. He trained under him for four years, learning much and making quite a few mistakes (who doesn't?). Though his tutelage was not yet complete Demir encouraged Mikael to go out and learn about the world on his own, and then come back when he- Mikael –felt like he was ready. So Mikael set out to learn more about the world he lived in, taking many books to study with him. Combat style: Mikael prefers to use magic to incapacitate his foes, though he may use more offensive spells. He can also use a sword adequately if the need arises. Theme song: