[quote=@LPFan] [b]Image:[/b] Everything except for that right leg holster with whatever's inside it(probably some gun). [centre][img]http://digital-art-gallery.com/oid/18/640x637_4914_Prodigal_Son_3d_character_male_portrait_picture_image_digital_art.jpg[/img][/centre] [b]Description:[/b] [i]Height:[/i] 6'1" [i]Weight:[/i] 197 lbs [i]Hair Color:[/i] Dark Brown [i]Eye Color:[/i] Hazel [i]Attire:[/i] His tipical outfit usually contains a pair of blue jeans, [url=http://i00.i.aliimg.com/wsphoto/v0/631612858_1/2013-british-style-men-s-boots-male-hasp-fashion-men-s-shoes-tooling-boots-men-for.jpg]black leather boots[/url], sometimes replaced by a pair of [url=http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/41zB03TMC-L.jpg]black canvas shoes[/url], black studded fingerless gloves, a dark grey hoodie, and most of the time, a brown leather jacket with studded elbows(the picture shows mostly everything). [b]Name // Moniker[/b] - Victor Wilson aka. Redline [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Age:[/b] 31 [b]Archetype // Expertise[/b] - Driver [b]Skills:[/b] Victor is an insanely good driver. Not because he says so, but because his skills have been praised by those who took advantage of them. He is also a very good mechanic, he can customize or repair anything that has four wheels, an engine and a steering wheel. He also happens to be very good at lying, acting and pretending that he's someone he is not, even his own partners don't know what to make of him sometimes. [b]Attributes:[/b] - Professional(only when he's working); - Easy going. [b]Equipment:[/b] Since he's a driver, Victor dosen't really need to carry too much stuff with him. What he will carry most of the time though is a [url=http://www.knifehog.com/media/catalog/product/cache/3/image/512x512/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/Benchmade/100151B.jpg]seatbelt cutter/window breaker tool[/url], just in case things get hairy and he needs to get out of the car quick and a [url=http://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0396/5005/products/IMG_5347.jpg?v=1419341686]single action OTF knife[/url] usually for self defense, however this one stays well hidden so he won't be caught with it. He also wants to get his hands on something more serious, like a handgun, but he saves that one for a later date. Right now he dosen't really need one. But probably the most important piece of equipment is his car, which really depends on the mission and the number of people he transports. Sometimes it can be a van, sometimes a large pickup truck, 4x4 or not. The most frequently used car is a grey with black stripes [url=http://img2.netcarshow.com/Dodge-Challenger_SRT_2015_800x600_wallpaper_03.jpg]Dodge Challenger SRT[/url], a mean and powerful muscle car which has all the right credentials for a fast escape, plus Victor is really in love with this car, sometimes even using it for daily driving, which is always kind of risky but Victor is not worried much as he has a lot of spare license plates for it. [b]Background:[/b] Born in the family of a two time NASCAR champion it was obvious that the young Victor will follow the same road as his father. As a teenager he went through all the training and formalities to become a racer himself one day, with many people saying that if he will keep up the hard work he will have an illustrious career waiting for him. However a horrible crash during a race in which his father lost his life made him give up his desire to ever become a racer, much to the shock of everyone. Even his own family and friends didn't know what to make of his decision. They thought that it was something temporary, caused by the grief of losing his father, but as the weeks and months passed it seemed that Victor's decision was very much real. Many tried to get him back on track but failed. Victor concentrated on his studies, did a couple of side jobs to pay his college and tried to move on with his life. Eventually after college he found a more stable job, managing a car shop. A couple of years later(when he was 26), he discovered that his mother, with whom he hadn't talked with or seen in about 4 years, died leaving a lot of debts behind her. Debts which, Victor, as her son, had to pay now. However that proved extremely difficult as his salary from the car shop wasn't enough. Friends and family tried to help but still, he needed more money. Desperate he went to The Circuit to offer his services as a wheelman. Not long after that, a couple of hours later he was contacted by someone for a job. And that's how Victor Wilson quickly became one of the most requested wheelmen in The Circuit. He is the reason why most drug dealers and pimps haven't run out of business yet. Victor kept them alive by transporting goods. In the end, Victor managed to pay most of his mother's debts, he also took over the car shop after the owner died of cancer. Lately he's been getting a lot of unwanted attention because of his relationship with famous actress, [url=http://listpictures.xyz/wp-content/uploads/taylor-cole-9.jpg]Rebecca James[/url]. Because of that their relationship is permanently in an unhealthy on and off status. Victor is pretty frustrated about that and hates the media for interfering in his personal life, almost lashing out at some reporters once. [/quote] Dear lord nascar and actresses approved yes take my money! No but it's pretty cool all jokes aside xD Approved!