[color=red]"Such brutality Nai."[/color] Alex chuckled as the Mage mentioned possibly breaking fingers for distraction. Before trying to focus, momentarily glaring at Hector at his rambles but managed to bite her tongue back as she clenched her eyes shut and tried to focus. Listening to Naisha and her soft breathing. Briefly, her mind wandered through the events that took place in Kilka and Alex didn't really regret what she did. But did regret that she lost her temper and therefore lost control of her strength again. It always happened. If she didn't always hold back her strength, it was deadly. A combination of that with a temper was never good. She didn't ever want to kill anyone, but it was always something that felt like it could happen. Just at the edge. Brushing that aside, she tried clearing her mind to calming down, so she thought back at the younger years and more peaceful memories. Course that strange woman's voice spoke out once more, but toward Alex. Alex tried her best to ignore her, but the red head was easily distracted and she cracked a eye open as the woman spoke to her in a suddenly much more friendlier tone. Raising a eyebrow at the 'reason' the woman knew they were Guardians. Alex almost scoffed at the reason. It was doubtful she had the air of a Guardian. What would this woman know? And Alex found it unlikely since her mere presence caused most people to be uncomfortable. Especially since the priests were always talking about bad luck, or some sort of beast. Both eyes opened now at the proposition of making the red head stronger. Alex wasn't sure she needed more physical strength, but she always sought to get stronger. It's why she took up the sword, since it required a more focused approach and a way to more safely channel strength. Though she wasn't sure what this stranger had in mind. It could be just a lie and a trick in order to get out. After all, the woman was in her in jail. Then again, Alex wasn't very trusting on the judgments of this town's law. Plus the bastards didn't do much to help her when she's ill. Even if it was the cause of the drugs and might be her own doing, wasn't right not to do something to help. Even a prisoner, they were still people. [color=red]"How so?"[/color] Alex questioned, her curiousity distracting her now into a response, but she was still cautious and doubtful. The red head then blinked as a arm slipped around from around the barrier wall between them, reaching into her cell and making a motion with her finger as she spoke. Alex blinked a little, confusion evident in her gaze, though the woman couldn't see it. Wondering what exactly the woman was trying to do. Something about it seemed off, but Alex wasn't sure what. Tilting her head a little questionally at the mention of Urick. Unsure what the woman meant by that. As a friend? Well perhaps at the moment, it could be true. She didn't like the feeling he was giving off. It was a detestable one everyone else gave, except Naisha at least. But still, she didn't exactly trust this complete utter stranger that was probably just trying to use her for some purpose. [color=red]"I don't even know why you're in here. Or who you are. How can I trust you?"[/color] Alex said, but she didn't feel so irritated, just tired. While watching the woman's fingers fingerly drag the floor that sent a shiver up her spine, body tensing and fists clenching. She wasn't really sure why she instinctively reacted that way, it didn't seem like anything dangerous. Unless it's some magic trick or whatever. She perked up a bit at the sound of a moan coming from behind the wall, her body stiffening immiedietly. Was the woman in pain? At that thought, Alex leaned a bit closer, as if to try and assist before remembering she couldn't do anything and resumed pressing her back against the wall that blocked her from Naisha. Curiously listening to the woman resume speaking. Well, not like Alex could continue meditating at this point. At the compliment, Alex had to hold back a scoff before frowning, glancing down at her injured hands that she had licked clean. It was just depressing knowing that she'd just be a dissapointment to the word 'pretty', even to some stranger. Unconsciously, she felt the scar on her face. She wasn't Nai, or Eva, or even that ice witch. Small, pretty and slender. She was tall, muscular and just.... Anything but pretty. It made her wonder if she should just cut her hair and pretend to be a guy. Just then, it finally clicked as Alex listened to the stranger's words and moan, while making that little dance with her hands. Alex was being flirted with. It was probably just some trick but it was still effective as Alex sat up straight and her face immiedietly flushed as the realization dawned on her. Firmly pressing her body against the wall behind her, pinning as close as she possibly could against it, arms pinned there while her hands clenched and scrambled as if to attempt to find some sort of secret button of escape and allow her to make a retreat to the Mage behind the wall. Where the heck was Gippal?! Wait no, maybe she was safer in the cell? Yeah let's just stay here until she's gone. That sounds good. Or maybe she'll be here for a long time and Alex would be stuck with her?! She didn't know anymore. She was unsure if she was embarrassed or terrified, but either way she just wanted to crawl under some covers and just die there. Or lay on Naisha's lap. [color=red]"Agh! O-Okay! I'll ask Gippal to let you out just stop doing that!"[/color] Alex stammered, giving a inaudible whine as her search for the secret button was to no avail. God damnit Gippal hurry up.