[center][h2][color=cyan]Celeste Forrester-Daniels[/color][/h2] [color=gold][b]Father:[/b][/color] [color=00a651]Bronze Zahi Brighton[/color] [Not Biological] [color=gold][b]Mother:[/b][/color] [color=a187be]Kleo Daniels[/color] [Not Biological] [color=gold][b]Sibling/s:[/b][/color] [color=a2d39c]Tyrone Daniels[/color] [Adopted] [color=gold][b]Upright Appearance[/b]:[/color] At just 2 years old, Celeste looks more like a child of 3 and a half years old. Despite her aging, she is still quite small for a wolf of her age, standing at just 2'4". In her human form she weighs about 25 pounds. Celeste is very slender and petite with pale blonde hair, bright blue eyes and fair skin. Because of her fair skin Celeste tends to burn easily when exposed to too much sun.[hider][img]http://o3.fbl.pl/w640/o3/201205/AA/122712745.jpg[/img][/hider] [color=gold][b]Canine Appearance[/b]:[/color] At first glance, some believe that Celeste's fur is just a pale blonde when in fact it is white in color. Her eyes are a pale blue and look gray in some lighting or when she is angry. Like her human form, her wolf form is quite small, standing at a height of 19 inches (1'5") and weighs in at 30 pounds. [hider][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/474x/6c/6a/57/6c6a57534ee53626d678152bdca3b564.jpg[/img][/hider] [color=gold][b]Gender[/b]:[/color] Female [color=gold][b]Age[/b]:[/color] 2 [color=gold][b]Rank[/b]:[/color] Pup [color=gold][b]Trade[/b]:[/color] Helper - She likes helping members if she is of use. [color=gold][b]Personality[/b]:[/color] At first glance, Celeste would seem like a bubbly child, bouncing all over the place but that couldn't be farther from the truth. To strangers Celeste would seem mute from how little she will talk. Even with people she is at ease with, Celeste doesn't speak much. She is a quiet little girl that is constantly watching those around her. She can be too curious for her own good. She is also terribly shy around most adults save for her adopted family. Not one to anger easily, once she is sent into a rage you better watch out because she won't hesitate to give you a piece of her mind. Of course afterward she will completely mortified and apologize profusely. Just as well, Celeste seems quite intelligent for her age group, even with the wolf aging process. She understands situations better than people would believe and she will stay out of peoples way if she thinks she is getting under their feet. Another trait of Celeste's is that she has very little self-preservation. as well, if she thinks someone is in trouble she will not hesitate to help. Lastly, Celeste has a bad habit of bottling up her problems. Even if she is having the worst day imaginable she will still put on a smile and insist everything is fine so she won't worry others around her. [color=gold][b]History[/b]:[/color] Celeste was born to a Beta mother in a pack that went by the name of Shadow Falls. Sadly there was little territory to go around and so her pack got into multiple disputes over land. Celeste had just turned two when her pack was attacked. Her mother managed to escape with her and Celeste to this day does not know if any other members of her pack survived. Her and her mother traveled for a few weeks before her mother grew sick. No matter how hard Celeste tried to nudge her mother up or call her name, her mother just wouldn't move. Crying, Celeste stumbled away looking for help and she was found by the Blue Ridge Pack. She was then adopted by the Beta Female, Kleo Daniels. [color=gold][b]Extra[/b]:[/color] Celeste enjoys singing, being quite good at it for one so young. Her mother also taught her how to play the piano. Celeste's favorite season is Fall and she doesn't know how to swim.[/center]