[b][color=f7941d][h1] I have the new RP ready to go but I am giving you the first choice of positions and sins if male. Here it is! [/h1][/color][/b] [b]The Underworld Demon King of Mortal Sins wishes to settle his (up to three) demon sons in their own mini kingdom to learn how to rule and get them out of his hair for not only are they irritating him constantly by bickering and tormenting the servants, the sons are eating so much that the King can no longer afford their food bill. They need to learn how to be adults. Besides that Hades commanded that he do something drastic. Each Demon Prince will control a kingdom that contains a few Mortal Sins. Will they be able to rule and control a Kingdom? Will they find someone who could bring new blood into the Demon World. All across The Underworld, the UpperCrust and MiddleCrust, parents decided that what was good enough for the King’s sons, it was good enough for their own children. Soon a special Academy was built and flyers went out to Human Females about this Elite Academy. Demon Parents were putting in their applications for the Academy with high hopes that their own son will be given a small area to rule. Plus they would be out of their hair for a while. The catch behind the Academy? The Demons are sent to The Academy in the Mortal World. Their assignment to get back into The Underworld is to Choose a Sin and a fertile Bride. They have lost their powers until they have been accepted back into The Underworld. But not before the King’s Sons. Character Sheet: RPer Name: Male DEMON name: Human name: Human age: Sin: Underworld position: RPer Name: Female HUMAN name: Demon Name: Age: Family Position: [/b]