"Stupid flunkie and her logical fallacies! How many times in her argument did she even make sense once? Let's see - almost nowhere? Alright, how about, one, two, three - too many fallacious statements to count! Okay, sure I'm not entirely innocent, but innocent enough to know all I wanted to accomplish was take Lily [i]semi[/i]-hostage, and user he to lure (nickname pending) to confirm them; I wasn't literally going to take her hostage anyways, what, am I not the kind of guy to hang out or have a date with? Yeah, scratch that last part, I've been a passive-aggressive introvert for most of my high school... Ugh, probably remembering her wrong, that whole shitstorm went by so fast...oh right, almost forgot about rude dude, or should I call him the sadist now? Great, I'm actually supposed to watch my real life back now. FFS, I never agreed to install Brain Burst to be embroiled in some conspiracy, much less have to work together with those two; what happened with having a simple, guiltless pleasure in life?" Kris muttered to himself as he stormed down the street, up the stairs to his apartment, unlocked and threw open the door (thankfully Mother wasn't home yet). He dropped himself upon his bed, and just lay there for an eternity in angst. Maybe I should just uninstall..., his inner voice perked up. Are you crazy, another went, have you forgotten the power at your fingertips? What power, the first replied, I don't need any power... The [b]Accelerated World[/b]! the second answered, The power to slow time, quicken reaction, think of the applications: academics, sports, jobs, relationships, yes even... Oh...that's cheating, I would have done so already if- Now's not too late! Remember how much BP you received from the hacker? You could change your strategy, maybe scout players for their location, pair up with them when the bots return, and if you have to eliminate witnesses... Ugh, too much trouble, I never asked for this, all I wanted was a normal life...which I may only get if I uninstall now. Humph, suit yourself, lose your memory and return to your "abnormal" life. Well... There is no normality, only what you can seek with ambition and grasp with your own hands. Are you going to let go already? But a simple life is best, don't tell me I need to work for that! Your dreams, remember them, live them! No... Kris shook himself from his daze, and checked the clock; one hour had gone by as he daydreamed. He groaned, and sat up from his bed, boredom settling in again. Lucky for him no one had challenged him during that period, but he couldn't take off his Neuro Linker until he finished homework and Mother got home. Kris sighed as he began to download the class assignments, but in the back of his head was formulating two new plans...