[right][h1][color=0054a6]Sable Hollingsworth[/color][/h1][/right] [center] [hider=Outfit.] [img] http://freegeneraldirectories.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/summer-outfits-for-teenage-girls-tumblrfor-julia-on-pinterest-ib6pe9hm.jpg[/img] [/hider] [/center] [b][i]Beep. Beep. Beep.[/i][/b] The annoying sound of an alarm clock rang through the room, over the sound of Sable's music playing in her ears. With a moan, she would do her best to cover up her head with a pillow on the bed, only to find herself failing in her attempts. Her subconscious suddenly made her aware that this was the official first day of school. Throwing the blankets to one side of the bed, simply lying there as her eyes adjusted to the light, Sable would then soon get up, gather her clothes for the day and then off to the shower. Striping her body of the clothing, she would climb into the tub, feeling the hot water soothe her muscles. [i]It's just another day in this place, Sable. You can make it.[/i] With a sigh, she would get out and dress herself, brush her teeth and dry, as well as brush, her hair. Applying her mascara, eyeliner and lip-gloss she would give herself one last look over before going out into what could be considered the public. That was if the public was considered to be the hall that linked all of the dorms together. First thing to do this morning: Get her new schedule. And the office was exactly were she was headed.