Eq' [i][b]One, Lift Two, Hold Three, Drop... [/b][/i] His voiced huffed out, echoing around the near empty gym, other than a younger woman on the treadmill and the gym workers. He continued to huff out the mantra as he pressed the 325 pound(plus the bar)weights up from his chest, working slowly and steadily. He had been on this bench for the last fifteen minutes, working various muscles in his upper body. He cycled, like most other gym goers, between Chest/Shoulders/Biceps/ForeArms, Back/Triceps/Sides/Abs, and Legs a day for each, with a rest day after every leg day. He woke up two hours earlier than need every day so he could spend thirty minutes sprinting to warm up, an hour lifting weights, and thirty minutes to shower and prepare for the day... An hour and a half later, he was on the public bus with a duffel bag of gym clothes, and a messenger bag with his electronics. He was a minimalist by nature, taking up the least amount of space and using the least amount of anything he could. His grandparents said it was in his blood, that he was used to living with nothing to spare, so he used very little to get by. Now, whether that was true or not didn't really matter to him, He thought it was an interesting explanation. Arriving at the school, he bee-lined for his dorm, quickly throwing his stuff in the room and heading back out onto the campus, jogging to the Main Office, and tripping over a brunette, sending himself sprawling on the ground as he dived to avoid running directly into her.