[@Ayla][@Markofkri] Celeste slowly blinked her eyes open, one tiny hand reaching up to rub at them. At first, she didn't recognize where she was. [color=cyan]"Mommy?"[/color] The child mumbled, still half-asleep as she sat up and looked around. When she realized that this was not her room she felt her stomach drop. Oh..right...Momma wasn't here anymore. She was asleep up in the sky. For the millionth time in these couple of weeks, Celeste found herself once again holding tears at bay. Mommy wasn't coming home, no one she knew was. The bad wolves made sure of that. But she was with nice wolves now, they would take care of her right? The small child sighed and climbed out of her bed. She got dressed in a purple long-sleeved t-shirt, a black shirt, white leggings and her boots. She brushed her curls out before making her way towards the door. Though the sun had just risen, the Inn was full of sounds. People doing this and that, preparing for something tonight. Deciding that she wasn't hungry and that she didn't want to get in anyone's way, the child stepped outside. Having not been there for very long she didn't know her way very well yet. So she decided to wander. She eventually came upon a clothing shop and peeked her head inside. There were two people in there. Runa and Johnathan if she remembered correctly. The little girl bit her lip, wondering if she could been any help. Hiding half-behind the door, Celeste spoke up. [color=cyan]"M-Miss Runa? D-Do you need any help?"[/color] The child asked timidly, not used to being around these wolves yet.