[@Ayla] Celeste watched as Johnathan exited the shop after sitting the fabric down before she turned her attention back to Runa. As the older wolf knelt down to be more on Celeste's level, the child gave her a timid smile. At Runa's question on whether Celeste could help, the child nodded. [color=cyan]"Momma used to let me help decorate the living room. Papa would help too though he normally just chased me around the table."[/color] The child said without thinking, the smile fading from her face as her words registered in her mind. The tears came once more and Celeste once again pushed them back. [color=cyan]"S-So what can I help with first?"[/color] The child asked, forcing her sad thoughts away. Momma and Papa wouldn't want her to be sad, they always said her smile could brighten up anyone's day and so it was a crime to hide that smile from the world.