[color=00aeef]“I will lower my weapon when he lowers his, Adrianne.”[/color] Aviza had taken a combat stance as was ready to pull the hairpin trigger at a moment’s notice if the Arbiter did not follow her instruction swiftly and to the letter. Turning her left foot outward slightly, she bent both of her knees ever so slightly and prepared to fire upon the Arbiter, her scopes crosshair positioned directly on the center of his head. [color=00aeef]“Five seconds left, make your choice.”[/color] The Adepta Sororitas had her attention drawn away from the Arbiter for a moment while Adriannes Servo-Skull materialized near her and made its way to its master. It stopped near Adrianne before she reached up and placed the cursed artifact into a metallic bag it was carrying beneath it. Once the bag was zipped closed, the Servo-Skull it vanished once more, becoming invisible. It appeared the Arbiter hesitated for a second which could have cost him his life but thankfully he lowered his maul and deactivated it. At that exact moment, Aviza did the same, lowering her weapon and turning the weapons safety on to prevent any accidents. The weapon deactivated with a soft click as a red light on the side of if turned a solid blue. Moving back into a more relaxed position, Aviza nodded once at the Arbiter once Echo apologized to Adrianne, explaining his dark history with Psychers and cursed artifacts. If there was anything inside of the brothel that could help them out more, they would be impossible to reach. [color=00aeef]“There is no way we can enter that brothel anymore, might as well let it burn to the ground and be purified.” [/color] Aviza glanced back at the Valkrie behind her before the voice of Alpha came over her com. He informed them he had been trying to gather information about the brothel that had now collapsed onto itself. The man who owned the building appeared to own multiple others as well as a medium sized factory that produced and assembled boxed meals. Everything in them checked out and they were fine for consumption, on a certain level of course. As soon as he said he was going to have a map compiled, Aviza spoke up. [color=00aeef]“Send that information to all of us in the squad, having a map of these areas will be invaluable.”[/color] Turning on her left foot so that she was now facing Inquisitor Zhevon, Aviza crossed her arms over her chest and listened to what he had to say. The mention of an Ork Waaagh made her sigh, if the Orks somehow made it to the planet they were going to have their hands full. Thankfully, the odds of that happening were extremely small due to the massive force that was pushing back against them relentlessly. [color=00aeef]“We have not only the Imperial Guard, but also Space Marines and a group of Lord Admirals Battleships coming to assist us? I can contact the Adepta Sororitas to send us additional Sisters to assist us if you require Zhevon, fighting threats like this is what we do best.”[/color] When ordered to get into the Valkyrie, Aviza quickly made her way onboard and took her set in the cockpit, securely strapping herself in. Rolling her shoulders for a moment she cracked her knuckles then began to activate the gunship. The cockpit lit up as all the electronics turned themselves on, creating a soft blue glow that filled the interior of the cockpit. After making a couple readjustments to her seat and a monitor near her head that showed important information, Aviza would double check all of the ships systems before making the final adjustments needed for departure. This would only take a moment though, giving everyone enough time to get situated and strap themselves in. Speaking into her com, she reassured all of them that she knew exactly what she was doing. [color=00aeef]“I understand that some of you are rather tense with an Adepta Sororitas flying the Valkyrie but I assure you that you have nothing to worry about. I am Canoness Colistis’s personal pilot for both combat and non-combat missions when assigned to her. I have spent many years in training and still continue to sharpen my skills with piloting.”[/color] She turned off her Com and placed one hand on the control stick before using her other hand to engage the VTOL engines. The Valkryie lifted off the ground and stopped at a certain altitude before the VTOL engines shifted back into their cruse position, pushing the aircraft forward through the night sky. It arced slightly and climbed at a one hundred and thirty degree angle into the night sky before leveling off at a normal altitude and quickly accelerated towards their first objective, the medium sized warehouse. The entire experience of taking off and their currently glide was incredibly smooth and turbulent free, only proving that Aviza was quite skilled with piloting. Turning around in her seat, she closed the cockpit door behind her and returned to her original comfortable position in her seat.Leaning down slightly she pulled a cord from under her seat and plugged it into her data pad then opened her com for all to hear. [color=00aeef]“I went through the music archives a while back and gathered a large amount of music that I downloaded onto my datapad. I would play the music for myself through my coms but I am unable to do so thanks to forgetting a simple tuner I left back at the safe house. I hate to expose all of you to my own personal taste in music but there are few other options.”[/color] Pressing a button upon the face of her datapad, music began to play through the ship. Reaching up above her, she flipped a couple of switches before the room filled with a cold soft breeze that came from the air cooling system. If Adrianne was sitting next to her in the co-pilot seat, she would glance over to her Pyscher friend and say [color=00aeef]“Strange is the Emperors will, not long ago I was having lunch with an old friend and now here I am with a retinue following clues to find a greater daemon on this pleasure planet I was assigned to. Not only that but there is also a Ork waaagh in a nearby sector and we have multiple militaries of the Imperium of man on their way to assist us. I will admit this is quite a bizarre happening but I rather be fighting then walking around these corrupted streets below us while having nothing to do.”[/color] Aviza would reach into her bag and pulled out a long roll shaped object that was in a golden metallic wrap.Breaking it in half with a snap, she offered the other half to her Psycher friend. [color=00aeef]“This is chocolate marzipan, very expensive, very rare, and very delectable.”[/color] Aviza lightly bit into her piece and chewed it slowly, savoring its flavor and texture knowing it could very well be the last time she was going to have it with the way everything around them seemed to be going into a downward spiral. ( Music Playing: [url]https://youtu.be/h-S9SDJ7odc[/url] )