Rayon nodded. He'd been told before that most people here were children of obscure or unknown gods or goddesses, so he assumed that most of them didn't want to talk about it. Seeing how easily [b]Rhodri[/b] did, however, he supposed he'd have to change his initial assessment. [color=a36209]"Oh, well in that case, my dad's called [i]Medjed[/i], which means the destroyer or something; I don't think it fits though. He's some old Egyptian god, and I guess he isn't really that known either . . . but you know I always wondered if he was fine with that?"[/color] he cupped his chin in one hand, rubbing it as he thought. [color=a36209]"Being 'unseen' and stuff is his [i]hobby[/i], so I dunno if . . . ah, I guess I can think about it later."[/color] With a casual dismissal of that thought, Rayon's full focus was back on Rhodri. [color=a36209]"How old am I? Well, I'd guess about . . . seven or eight? I'm not too sure, I never really had the chance to mark my birthdays. I bet my dad could tell you though, he knows a lot of things, like how to get to the camp! It's thanks to him that I was able to make it here alive!"[/color] Rayon's manner of speech was cheerful - [i]too[/i] cheerful, in contrast with his words. The things coming out from his mouth did not come close to matching with the emotions he displayed. Either he was a very skilled actor, or he was truly oblivious to the tragedy he had subtly injected into his answer. In any case, Rayon was still smiling.