Unfinished [hider=Sigmund Bedlam] [center] [img]http://pre14.deviantart.net/6294/th/pre/f/2013/069/7/2/roche_rain_1_by_blackassassin999-d5xkvzb.jpg[/img] Name: Sigmund "Bedlam" Bedlam Age: 25 Race: Human, traces of dwarf in his blood but none as noticeable. Gender: Male Alliance: Neutral, siding more towards pro but doesn't really care enough to make a stand for either side. Appearance: Bedlam stands at 5 foot 10 and has a muscular physique. His eyes are brown and he has black hair that has small patches of graying at either side of his head. He is often seen wearing his chaperon Clothing: Personality: History: Weapons: Likes: Dislikes: Strengths: Weaknesses: [hider=Theme] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5AywIL5_eYM[/youtube] [/hider] Other:[/center] [/hider]